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Question 1. Who was called ‘Sandrocottos’ by Justin, the Greek Writer?
(A) Samudragupta
(B) Chandragupta II
(C) Chandragupta I
(D) Chandragupta Maurya
Question 2. The remains of which ancient city have been found at the Kumrahar site?
(A) Shravasti
(B) Kapilavastu
(C) Pataliputra
(D) Vaishali
Question 3. Which one territory of the following was not a part of Ashoka’s empire?
(A) Kalinga
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Bihar
(D) Afghanistan
Question 4. Chandragupta’s palace situated at Pataliputra is mainly made up of?
(A) Clays
(B) Woods
(C) Stones
(D) Bricks
Question 5. Who of the following mentions the meeting of Sandrokottos (Chandragupta Maurya) with Alexander, the Great?
(A) Megasthenese
(B) Strabo
(C) Justin
(D) Pliny
Question 6. Kautilya was prime minister of?
(A) King Janak
(B) Chandragupta Maurya
(C) Ashoka
(D) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
Question 7. Bulandibagh was ancient site of _________.
(A) Varanasi
(B) Vaishali
(C) Pataliputra
(D) Kapilavastu
Question 8. Who established ‘Rajdharma’ on triplex bases of longanimity, liberty and compassion?
(A) Shivaji
(B) Ranjit Singh
(C) Akbar
(D) Ashoka
Question 9. Deimachus came to India during the reign of ________.
(A) Kanishka
(B) Ashoka
(C) Bindusara
(D) Chandragupta Maury
Question 10. Which among the following is India’s oldest dynasty?
(A) Kushana
(B) Vardhana
(C) Maurya
(D) Gupta
Question 11. By which name was Chanakya known in his childhood?
(A) Deogupta
(B) Vishnugupta
(C) Chanakya
(D) Ajaya
Question 12. Who amongst the following Mauryan rulers did conquer the Deccan?
(A) Kunala
(B) Bindusara
(C) Chandragupta
(D) Ashoka
Question 13. In which year Chandragupta Maurya had defeated Seleucus?
(A) 300 B.C.
(B) 305 B.C.
(C) 315 B.C
(D) 317 B.C
Question 14. Which of the following can be compared to ‘Prince’ of Machiavelli?
(A) Thiruvalluvar’s ‘Thirukkural’
(B) Vatsyanana’s ‘Kamasutra’
(C) Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’
(D) Kalidasa’s ‘Malvikagni Mitram’
Question 15. First Indian Empire was established by _________.
(A) Samundragupta
(B) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(C) Harsh
(D) Kanishka
Question 16. Another name of Chanakya was?
(A) Vishakhdatta
(B) Rajshekhar
(C) Vishnugupta
(D) Bhattswami
Question 17. Who was the first king to conquer Malwa, Gujarat and Maharashtra?
(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Vikramaditya
(C) Skandgupta
(D) Harsh
Question 18. Which Indian King defeated Seleucus, the administrator of Sindh and Afghanistan appointed by Alexander?
(A) Chandragupta
(B) Bindusar
(C) Ashok
(D) Samudragupta
Question 19. Kautilya’s Arthashastra deals with the aspects of _________.
(A) Social life
(B) Religious life
(C) Political policies
(D) Economic life
Question 20. Who recognised Sandrokottos as Chandra Gupta Maurya?
(A) D. R. Bhandarkar
(B) R. K. Mukherjee
(C) V. Smith
(D) William Jones
Question 21. The Arthashastra of Kautilya is a ________.
(A) Book on Principles of Government
(B) History of Chandragupta Maurya
(C) Biography
(D) Play about Chandragupta Maurya
Question 22. The Inscription which proves Chandragupta’s way over Western India is?
(A) Sopara Rock Inscription of Ashoka
(B) Junagarh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman
(C) Girnar Rock Inscription of Ashoka
(D) Kalinga Rock Inscription
Question 23. That Gujarat was included in the Kingdom of Chandragupta Maurya is proved by _________.
(A) Pillar Edict II of Ashoka
(B) Jain tradition
(C) Junagarh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman
(D) Greek accounts
Question 24. Which one of the following is the seventh part of the State according to Saptang’s Theory of State?
(A) Kosha
(B) Mitra
(C) Durga
(D) Janapada
Question 25. Chandragupta Maurya figures prominently in the book of _________.
(A) Ashvaghosha
(B) Vishakhadatta
(C) Sudraka
(D) Bhasa