If you’re looking for help with chemistry questions and answers, Fuel Multiple Choice Questions & Answers can be a great resource. With a wide range of topics including the basics of chemistry, its various elements, the science of fuel, and more, this collection of chemistry questions and answers can provide you with the information you need to help you understand the subject better.
Question 1. Which one of the following has the highest fuel value?
(A) Gasoline
(B) Charcoal
(C) Natural gas
(D) Hydrogen
Question 2. Octane number is a measure of the quality of ______.
(A) Perfumed oil
(B) Kerosene oil
(C) Petrol
(D) Edible oils
Question 3. Which of the following is a natural fuel?
(A) Petroleum
(B) Coke
(C) Tar
(D) Coal gas
Question 4. Which of the following fossil fuels is the cleanest fuel?
(A) Diesel
(B) Natural gas
(C) Petrol
(D) Coal
Question 5. Cetane number is used as a quality parameter mainly for which of the following?
(A) Turpentine Oil
(B) Diesel
(C) Kerosene
(D) Petrol
Question 6. The fuel used in a diesel engine ______.
(A) Mixture of diesel, air and petrol
(B) Mixture of diesel and petrol
(C) Diesel only
(D) Vapour of diesel and air
Question 7. Cooking gas is mainly _______.
(A) Nitrogen and Oxygen
(B) Methane
(C) Carbon monoxide
(D) Carbon dioxide
Question 8. Which one of the following gases, released from biogas plant is used as a fuel gas?
(A) Ethane
(B) Methane
(C) Propane
(D) Butane
Question 9. Biogas mainly consists of ________.
(A) Hydrogen and Oxygen
(B) rdon dioxide and Methane
(C) Hydrogen and Methane
(D) Biogas mainly consists of
Question 10. The main component of biogas is ____.
(A) Acetylene
(B) Butane
(C) Methane
(D) Hydrogen
Question 11. To avoid ‘knocking’ of the engine of a car, which one of the following is used as anti-knocking agent?
(A) White Petrol
(B) Lead Tetra Ethyl
(C) Butane
(D) Ethyl alcohol
Question 12. Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) is added to petrol _____.
(A) To increase its boiling point
(B) To increase its anti-knocking rating
(C) To increase its flash points
(D) To prevent it from freezing
Question 13. Which one of the following is used as an anti-freeze for automobile engines?
(A) Ethylene glycol
(B) Methanol
(C) Ethanol
(D) Propyl alcohol
Question 14. Diesel used in heavy vehicles for _____.
(A) Being cheaper than low petrol
(B) Low expense and save the fuel
(C) High power and financially secure
(D) Extra mileage and save engine
Question 15. Hydrogen gas can be conveniently used as a fuel for running vehicles if it is absorbed at very low temperature by a substance only to be released at the temperature generated by the exhaust. What is the substance found in India?
(A) Resins
(B) Soapstone
(C) Coals
(D) Hydride
Question 16. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
List-I (Fuel Gases) | List-II (Major Constituents) |
(a) CNG | 1. Carbon monoxide, Hydrogen |
(b) LPG | 2. Butane, Propane |
(c) Coal gas | 3. Methane |
(d) Water gas | 4. Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon monoxide |
(a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | |
(A) | 3 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
(B) | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
(C) | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
(D) | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Question 17.
- Assertion (A): The main component of the liquefied petroleum gas is Methane.
- Reason (R): Methane can be used directly for burning in homes and factories where it can be supplied through pipelines.
(A) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Question 18. Consider the following statements.
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is liquefied under extremely cold temperatures and high pressure to facilitate storage or transportation in specially designed vessels.
- First LNG terminal in India was built in Hassan.
- Natural Gas Matters (NGM) are separated from LPG and these include ethane, propane, butane and natural gasoline.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 3
(D) Only 1
Question 19. Consider the following statements.
- Coal, petroleum and natural gas are fossil fuels.
- Gasohol is mixture of benzene and alcohol.
- Geothermal energy is nonconventional energy source.
- Gobar gas contains mainly methane.
Of these statements.
(A) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(B) Only 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(C) Only 2 and 3 are correct
(D) Only 1 and 2 are correct
Question 20. Consider the following features of newer models of motor cars.
- Radial tyres
- Streamlined body
- Multipoint fuel injection
- Catalytic converter with exhaust
Which of these features make the new models of motor cars more fuel efficient?
(A) 1, 3 and 4
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 2
Question 21. Gasohol is a mixture of _____.
(A) Gasoline and Propanol
(B) Methanol and Ethanol
(C) Gasoline and Methanol
(D) Gasoline and Ethanol
Question 22. Gasohol is _____.
(A) Ethyl alcohol + Kerosene oil
(B) Any gas dissolved in alcohol
(C) Natural gas + Ethyl alcohol
(D) Ethyl alcohol + Petrol
Question 23. Which is main component of natural gas?
(A) Benzene
(B) Propane
(C) Ethane
(D) Methane
Question 24. CNG used in automobiles to check pollution mainly consists of _____.
(A) H2
(B) N2
(C) CO3
(D) CH4
Question 25. CNG is _____.
(A) Controlled Natural Gas
(B) Condensed Nitrogen Gas
(C) Cyanogen Natural Gas
(D) Compressed Natural Gas
Question 26. In what form cooking gas is supplied in cylinders?
(A) Solution
(B) Solid
(C) Gas
(D) Liquid
Question 27. The Pressure gauge is not given in the domestic LPG cylinders because _____.
(A) They are choked by LPGs
(B) Their use is not safe
(C) They cannot represent the quantity of gas in LPG cylinders
(D) They are so costly
Question 28. The stench due to leakage from LPG cylinder is because of _____.
(A) Ethyl mercaptan
(B) Butane
(C) Propane
(D) Methane
Question 29. Indane gas is a mixture of ______.
(A) Methane and Oxygen
(B) Butane and Propane
(C) Butane and Oxygen
(D) Butane and Hydrogen
Question 30. LPG used as domestic fuel chiefly contains ______.
(A) Ethylene
(B) Propane
(C) Methane
(D) None of these
Question 31. What is the main component of L.P.G.?
(A) Butane
(B) Propane
(C) Ethane
(D) Methane
Question 32. The main component of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) are ______.
(A) Methane, Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen
(B) Ethane, Propane and Butane
(C) Methane, Pentane and Hexane
(D) Methane, Ethane and Hexane
Question 33. Who among the following invented ‘Gobar Gas’ system?
(A) H. Khurana
(B) S.V. Desai
(C) J.C. Bose
(D) C.V. Raman
Question 34. Which of the following is the procedure for a biogas plant?
(A) Polymerization
(B) Hydrogenation
(C) Reduction
(D) Fermentation
Question 35. The main component of Gobar Gas is ______.
(A) Chlorine
(B) Propane
(C) Ethane
(D) Methane