Quiz Set | 1 | 2 |
Question 1. Even though an animal is fed with carbohydrates-rich diet, its blood sugar concentration tends` to remain constant. This is on account of the fact that is the case for an animal?
(A) Glucose undergoes autolysis
(B) Blood sugar is readily absorbed by the liver
(C) Hormones of the pancreas cause such a condition
(D) Hormones of pituitary glands control metabolic process
Question 2. What would happen if the pancreas is defective?
(A) Blood pressure will increase
(B) Blood formation will stop
(C) Insulin and glucagon are not formed
(D) Digestion will not take properly
Question 3. Which one of the following hormones stimulates pancreas for the production of digestive juice?
(A) Pepsin
(B) Secretin
(C) Trypsin
(D) Renin
Question 4. Insulin hormone is a______.
(A) Sterol
(B) Peptide
(C) Fatty acid
(D) Glycolipid
Question 5. Insulin is a______.
(A) Fat
(B) Protein
(C) Carbohydrate
(D) Steroid
Question 6. Which metal is present in insulin?
(A) Aluminium
(B) Zinc
(C) Copper
(D) Tin
Question 7. Lack of which substance causes diabetes in a person?
(A) Insulin
(B) Histamine
(C) Haemoglobin
(D) Glycine
Question 8. Insulin is produced by ________.
(A) Adrenal gland
(B) Thyroid gland
(C) Islets of Langerhans
(D) Islets of Langerhans
Question 9. The human hormone ‘insulin’ is produced in _______.
(A) Pituitary
(B) Kidney
(C) Pancreas
(D) Liver
Question 10. Insulin is a type of _______.
(A) Salt
(B) Vitamin
(C) Enzyme
(D) Hormone
Question 11. Insulin is _______.
(A) Protein
(B) Carbohydrate
(C) Vitamin
(D) Fat
Question 12. Which one of the following is not a plant hormone?
(A) Gibberellin
(B) Insulin
(C) Ethylene
(D) Cytokinin
Question 13. Which one of the following is a plant hormone?
(A) Cytokinin
(B) Estrogen
(C) Insulin
(D) Insulin
Question 14. Insulin is received from _______.
(A) Potatoes tuber
(B) Balsam flower
(C) Roots of dahlia
(D) Rhizome of ginger
Question 15. Extra glucose in the body gets converted into glycogen and is stored in______.
(A) Bile
(B) Pancreas
(C) Liver
(D) Stomach
Question 16. Energy is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of_______.
(A) Glycogen
(B) Protein
(C) Fat
(D) Carbohydrate
Question 17. Hugging and kissing of mother to her baby initiates, which of the following hormone for secretion?
(A) Oxytocin
(B) Follicular hormone
(C) Noradrenaline
(D) Insulin
Question 18. Which one of the following is not a protein?
(A) Collagen
(B) Fibroin
(C) Fibroin
(D) Keratin
Question 19. Which gland secretes the milk ejection hormone oxytocin?
(A) Adrenal gland
(B) Parathyroid gland
(C) Thyroid gland
(D) Pituitary gland
Question 20. The pituitary gland by virtue of its tropic hormones controls the secretion activity of other endocrine glands. Which one of the following endocrine glands can function independently of the pituitary gland?
(A) Parathyroid
(B) Adrenals
(C) Gonads
(D) Thyroid
Question 21. Which hormone is injected into cows and buffaloes to make the milk descend to the udders?
(A) Insulin
(B) Interferon
(C) Oxytocin
(D) Somatotropin
Question 22. The hormone related to drought tolerance is_______.
(A) Cytokinin
(B) Indole acetic acid
(C) Gibberellin
(D) Abscisic acid
Question 23. What is thyroxine?
(A) Vitamin
(B) Enzyme
(C) Hormone
(D) None of these
Question 24. Iodine containing hormone is _______.
(A) Testrogen
(B) Adrenaline
(C) Insulin
(D) Thyroxine
Question 25. Iodised salt is useful because it _______.
(A) Improves digestion
(B) Increases resistance to diseases
(C) Controls the thyroid gland
(D) All of the above
Question 26. Iodine containing, thyroxine hormone is _______.
(A) Peptides
(B) Ester
(C) Amino acid
(D) Glucose
Question 27. Which hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine?
Question 28. Which one of the following hormones contains iodine?
(A) Adrenaline
(B) Insulin
(C) Testosterone
(D) Thyroxine
Question 29. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Gastrin – regulation of blood pressure
(B) Oxytocin – release of milk from mammary glands
(C) Melatopin – regulation of sleep
(D) Insulin – regulation of blood glucose
Quiz Set | 1 | 2 |