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Question 1. Sir Edwin Arnold’s book ‘The Light of Asia’ is based on ________.
(A) Abhidhammapitak
(B) Suttapitak
(C) Lalitvistar
(D) Divavadana
Question 2. The largest and the most evolved rock-cut Chaitya hall of the Hinayana phase is situated at _________.
(A) Bedsa
(B) Karle
(C) Junnar
(D) Pitalkhora
Question 3. Why was Nalanda University famous in the world?
(A) Chemical Science
(B) Buddhist Religious Philosophy
(C) Philosophy
(D) Medical Science
Question 4. In Mahayana Buddhism, the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was also known as _______.
(A) Maitreya
(B) Padmapani
(C) Manjusri
(D) Vajrapani
Question 5. Who amongst the following is known as the ‘Light of Asia’?
(A) Zarathustra
(B) Paigamber Mohammad
(C) Lord Buddha
(D) Jesus Christ
Question 6. What is the fundamental difference between the Hinayana and Mahayana sects of Buddhism?
(A) Worship of stupas
(B) Worship of God and Goddess
(C) Caste free society
(D) Belief in Non-violence
Question 7. Which Indian Buddhist monk had been sent to China in the first century A.D.?
(A) Nagarjuna
(B) Vasumitra
(C) Ashvaghosha
(D) Tsang
Question 8. Who was the founder of Nalanda University?
(A) Pushyagupta
(B) Dharmapal
(C) Kumargupta
(D) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
Question 9. Sarnath Buddha image of Bhumisparsha Mudra belongs to ______.
(A) Gupta period
(B) Kushana period
(C) Shunga period
(D) Maurya period
Question 10. Who among the following is known as the ‘Light of Asia’?
(A) Swami Vivekanand
(B) Mahavir Swami
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Gautama Buddha
Question 11. Gautama Buddha was elevated to the position of God during the period of?
(A) Harsha
(B) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(C) Kanishka
(D) Ashoka
Question 12. The Doctrine of void (Shunyata) was propounded by the Buddhist philosopher?
(A) Ashvaghosha
(B) Ananda
(C) Nagasena
(D) Nagarjuna
Question 13. Nalanda University was founded during the dynasty of?
(A) Pala
(B) Gupta
(C) Kushan
(D) Maurya
Question 14. Lord Buddha’s image is sometimes shown with the hand gesture called; ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’. It symbolizes.
(A) Buddha’s reminder to his followers that they all arise from the Earth and finally dissolve into the Earth, and thus life is transitory
(B) Buddha’s calling of the Earth to witness his purity and chastity despite the temptations of Mara
(C) Both the statements (A) and (B) are correct in this context
(D) Buddha’s calling of the Earth to watch over Mara and to prevent Mara from disturbing his meditation
Question 15. ‘World is unstable and transient’ is related to which of the following?
(A) Vedanta
(B) Gita
(C) Jainism
(D) Buddhism
Question 16. The first human statue worshipped in India were those of _______.
(A) Shiva
(B) Buddha
(C) Vishnu
(D) Brahma
Question 17. To which Buddhist School did Nagarjuna belong?
(A) Yogachara
(B) Madhyamika
(C) Vaibhashika
(D) Sautrantika
Question 18. Vallabhi University was situated in _______.
(A) Gujarat
(B) Bengal
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Bihar
Question 19. The standing statue of Gautam Buddha was built in which period?
(A) Guptotar Period
(B) Maurya Period
(C) Kushana Period
(D) Gupta Period
Question 20. Amravati stupa was built during the period of?
(A) Harshaverdhana
(B) Gupta
(C) Satvahanas
(D) Maurya
Question 21. Which of the following laid the foundation of idol worship in the country?
(A) Vedic religion
(B) Ajivikas
(C) Buddhism
(D) Jainism
Question 22. Buddhist centre of learning is _______.
(A) Ujjain
(B) Girnar
(C) Varanasi
(D) Vikramshila
Question 23. Which among the following state ‘Odantipur’ Education Centre was situated?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Gujarat
(C) Bihar
(D) Bengal
Question 24. Name the ‘Mudra’ which is represented by the Gandharan Buddha image of Sarnath first sermon.
(A) Bhumisparsha
(B) Dharm Chakra
(C) Dhyana
(D) Abhaya
Question 25. The Stupa site which is not connected with any incident of Lord Buddha’s life, is?
(A) Kusinara
(B) Bodh Gaya
(C) Sanchi
(D) Sarnath