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Question 1. Karmapa Lama belongs to which of the following sects of Tibetan Buddhism?
(A) Lingamapa
(B) Sakyapa
(C) Kangyupa
(D) Gelugpa
Question 2. Where is the highest in the world ‘Vishwa Shanti Stupa’ located in Bihar?
(A) Patna
(B) Rajgir
(C) Nalanda
(D) Vaishali
Question 3. ‘Tripitaka’ is associated with which of the following?
(A) Hindus
(B) Sikhs
(C) Buddhists
(D) Jains
Question 4. Which event of Buddha’s life is represented by the wheel with deer, in Indian Art?
(A) Nirvana
(B) First preaching
(C) Enlightenment
(D) Great departure
Question 5. Where the word ‘Stupa’ has been used for the first time?
(A) Astadhyayee
(B) Artha Shastra
(C) Jatak Katha
(D) Rigveda
Question 6. Tripitaka’ texts are related to which religion?
(A) Shaivism
(B) Jainism
(C) Buddhism
(D) Vedic religion
Question 7. Second Buddhist Council was organized by _______.
(A) Ashoka
(B) Ananda
(C) Kalashoka
(D) Ajatashatru
Question 8. The Giant Buddha statue of 80 feet at Bodh Gaya was constructed by ________.
(A) Bhutanese
(B) Srilankan
(C) People of Thailand (Thai)
(D) Japanese
Question 9. What is ‘Tripitaka’?
(A) Collection of the preachings of Buddha
(B) Triratnas of Mahavira
(C) Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh
(D) Three monkeys of Gandhiji
Question 10. The first Buddhist council was held in which of the following cities?
(A) Bodh Gaya
(B) Rajgir
(C) Gaya
(D) Nalanda
Question 11. Where is the highest in the world ‘Vishwa Shanti Stupa’ located in Bihar ?
(A) Patna
(B) Rajgir
(C) Nalanda
(D) Vaishali
Question 12. The entry of women as a ‘Bhikshuni’ into the Buddhist Sangha was allowed by Gautam Buddha at?
(A) Kushinagar
(B) Rajgriha
(C) Vaishali
(D) Shravasti
Question 13. The first Buddhist Council was held during the reign of?
(A) Udayabhadra
(B) Bimbisara
(C) Ajatashatru
(D) Aniruddha
Question 14. Ashokaram monastery was situated at?
(A) Shravasti
(B) Kaushambi
(C) Pataliputra
(D) Vaishali
Question 15. The concept of the Eightfold path forms the theme of?
(A) Dharma Chakra Pravartana Sutra
(B) Mahaparinibban
(C) Divyavadana
(D) Dipavamsa
Question 16. Where was the third Buddhist Council held?
(A) Pataliputra
(B) Bodh Gaya
(C) Sarnath
(D) Taxila
Question 17. In ancient Indian Buddhist monasteries, a ceremony called Pavarana used to be held. It was the __________.
(A) Gathering of Buddhist monks on the next day to the full moon day of Ashadha when they take up a fixed abode for the next four months of rainy season
(B) Ceremony of initiation of new person into the Buddhist Sangha in which the head is shaved and when yellow robes are offered
(C) Confession by monks of their offences committed during their stay in the monasteries during the rainy season
(D) Occasion to elect the Sanghparinayaka and two speakers one on Dhamma and the other on Vinaya
Question 18. Whom of the following did Gautam Buddha nominate for the leadership of Buddhist Sangha after his death?
(A) None of the Below
(B) Upali
(C) Mahakassapa
(D) Ananda
Question 19. Second Buddhist Council was held at which place?
(A) Kashi
(B) Pataliputra
(C) Vaishali
(D) Rajgriha
Question 20. Who among the following wanted to become the leader of the Sangha even during the lifetime of Buddha?
(A) Ananda
(B) Upali
(C) Mahakassapa
(D) Devadatta
Question 21. The Fourth Buddhist Council was held during the reign of _______.
(A) Menander
(B) Harshvardhana
(C) Ashoka
(D) Kanishka
Question 22. ‘Yamaka’ belongs to the Buddhist ‘Pitaka’.
(A) None of the Below
(B) Abhidhamma
(C) Vinaya
(D) Sutta
Question 23. The teachings of Buddha are related to _______.
(A) Purity and holiness of conduct
(B) Religious rituals
(C) Celibacy
(D) Spirit disputes
Question 24. The Fourth Buddhist Council, which was held in Kashmir during the reign of which king?
(A) Ajatashatru
(B) Kanishka
(C) Kalasoka
(D) Ashoka
Question 25. Which of the following Buddhist literature contains the Buddha’s sermons on matters of ethics and doctrine?
(A) Sutta Pitaka
(B) Abhidhamma Pitaka
(C) Jataka Stories
(D) Vinaya Pitaka
Question 26. Which of the following Buddhist sacred place is situated on the bank of river Niranjana?
(A) Rishipatan
(B) Lumbini
(C) Kushinagar
(D) Bodh Gaya
Question 27. A Buddhist Council during the reign of Kanishka was held at?
(A) Rajgriha
(B) Kashmir
(C) Pataliputra
(D) Magadha
Question 28. Which of the following Buddhist texts contains the rules of Monastic life?
(A) Vibhasha Shastra
(B) Abhidhamma Pitaka
(C) Vinaya Pitaka
(D) Digha-Nikaya
Question 29. The ‘Bodhi Vriksh’ in Bodh Gaya belongs to which generation of its family?
(A) Sixth
(B) Fifth
(C) Tenth
(D) Third
Question 30. ‘Mahayana’ sect and Buddhism emerged during the reign of __________.
(A) Kanishka
(B) Dharmapala
(C) Ashoka
(D) Ajatashatru