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Question 1. Where did Mahatma Buddha’s ‘Mahaparinirvan’ take place?
(A) Kapilvastu
(B) Kushinagar
(C) Bodh Gaya
(D) Lumbini
Question 2. Who was Alara Kalama?
(A) A teacher of Buddha
(B) A king of Buddha’s time
(C) A distinguished Buddhist monk
(D) A disciple of Buddha
Question 3. Which one of the following describes best the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism?
(A) A mental stage beyond all comprehension
(B) A state of bliss and rest
(C) The complete annihilation of self
(D) The extinction of the flame of desire
Question 4. The inscription of which one of the following kings gives the information that Sakyamuni Buddha was born in Lumbini?
(A) Dharmapala
(B) Harsha
(C) Kanishka
(D) Ashoka
Question 5. Gautam Buddha gave the maximum sermons at which place?
(A) Rajgriha
(B) Kaushambi
(C) Shravasti
(D) Vaishali
Question 6. Where did Buddha reside during the last rainy season of his life?
(A) Sarnath
(B) Kushinagar
(C) Vaishali
(D) Shravasti
Question 7. Which one of the following inscriptions of Ashoka confirms the tradition that Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini?
(A) Rummindei Pillar Inscription
(B) Rampurwa Pillar Inscription
(C) Nigali Sagar Pillar Inscription
(D) Basarh Pillar Inscription
Question 8. Dharmachakrapravartana’ was performed at?
(A) Vaishali
(B) Sarnath
(C) Shravasti
(D) Sanchi
Question 9. Who amongst the following was the last person converted by the Buddha?
(A) Subhadda
(B) Goshal
(C) Vasumitra
(D) Anand
Question 10. From which inscriptions of the following dynasty Lumbini was known as Buddha’s birthplace?
(A) Kushan
(B) Satavahana
(C) Shung
(D) Mauryan
Question 11. In Buddhist text ‘Dharmachakra Parvartana’ is known as?
(A) Buddha rituals
(B) His religious norms
(C) First Sermon at Sarnath
(D) His (Buddha) sight
Question 12. Who was the last person to get enlightenment from Gautam Buddha?
(A) Subhadda
(B) Mogglan
(C) Sariputta
(D) Anand
Question 13. Which of these is another name of Buddha?
(A) Gudakesh
(B) Siddhartha
(C) Prachhanna
(D) Parth
Question 14. Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon at?
(A) Pawapuri
(B) Sarnath
(C) Kaushambi
(D) Vaishali
Question 15. Mahaparinirvana Temple is located at?
(A) Shravasti
(B) Bodh Gaya
(C) Sarnath
(D) Kushinagar
Question 16. Which of the events of Buddha’s life is known as ‘Mahabhinishkramana’?
(A) His attainment of enlightenment
(B) His departure from home
(C) His birth
(D) His death
Question 17. Who gave his first sermon in Sarnath?
(A) Guru Nanak
(B) Mahatma Buddha
(C) Sankaracharya
(D) Mahavir
Question 18. Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana in the Republic of the?
(A) Palas
(B) Sakyas
(C) Lichchavi
(D) Mallas
Question 19. When was Gautam Buddha born?
(A) 544 B.C.
(B) 558 B.C.
(C) 561 B.C
(D) 563 B.C
Question 20. Where did Buddha preach his first sermon?
(A) Bodh Gaya
(B) Kushinagar
(C) Sarnath
(D) Kashi
Question 21. Gautam Buddha attained Nirvana at which place?
(A) Sarnath
(B) Lumbini
(C) Shravasti
(D) Kusinara
Question 22. Gautam Buddha was born at?
(A) Patliputra
(B) Kapilvastu
(C) Lumbini
(D) Vaishali
Question 23. At which place did Mahatma Buddha give his first ‘Dhammachakkhapavathana’?
(A) Vaishali
(B) Pataliputra
(C) Sarnath
(D) Lumbini
Question 24. Gautam Buddha attained ‘Mahaparinirvana’ in kingdom of?
(A) Vatsa
(B) Malla
(C) Magadha
(D) Aung
Question 25. Gautam Buddha’s Mother was from which clan?
(A) Koliyan clan
(B) Licchavis clan
(C) Maya clan
(D) Shakya clan
Question 26. Buddha had visited Kaushambi during the reign of?
(A) Nicakshu
(B) Bodhi
(C) Udayana
(D) Satanika
Question 27. First Buddhist Conference after the death of Buddha was presided over by?
(A) Nagasen
(B) Ajatashatru
(C) Dharmasen
(D) Mahakashyapa
Question 28. ‘Saptaparni Cave’ is situated in?
(A) Pawapuri
(B) Rajgriha
(C) Nalanda
(D) Sanchi
Question 29. Who among the following presided over the Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir?
(A) Vasumitra
(B) Sudraka
(C) Nagarjuna
(D) Parsva
Question 30. Who among the following conducted the first Buddhist Council?
(A) Upali
(B) Moggaliputta Tissa
(C) Mahakassapa
(D) Ananda