Question 1. Golden rice has the highest quality of ______.
(A) Vitamin K
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin B
(D) Vitamin A
Question 2. For which desirable character the transgenic crop ‘Golden Rice’ is produced?
(A) Characteristic Starch
(B) Insulin
(C) Essential Amino Acids
(D) Vitamin ‘A’
Question 3. ‘Super rice’ was developed by ________.
(A) P.K. Gupta
(B) N.E. Borlog
(C) G.S. Khush
(D) M.S. Swaminathan
Question 4. Male’s gene constituent is __________.
(A) Y
(B) X
(C) XY
(D) XX
Question 5. Which combination of chromosome in mankind give birth to a male child?
(A) Y of male and Y of female
(B) Y of male and X of female
(C) X of male and Y of female
(D) X of male and X of female
Question 6. Amniocentesis is a method used to determine the ____________.
(A) Type of hormones
(B) Sequence of amino acids in protein
(C) Kind of amino acids
(D) Foetal sex
Question 7. In the context of the developments in Bioinformatics, the term ‘transcriptome’, sometimes seen in the news, refers to ________.
(A) A mechanism of genetic mutations taking place in cells
(B) The description of the mechanism of gene expression
(C) The full range of mRNA molecules expressed by an organism
(D) A range of enzymes used in genome editing
Question 8. Who first outlined the structure of the life molecule (D.N.A.)?
(A) Dr. Alexander Fleming
(B) Dr. James Watson and Dr. Francis Crick
(C) Dr. Stephan Hawking
(D) Dr. Maghnath Saha
Question 9. James D. Watson and Francis Crick are associated with the discovery of __________.
(A) Penicillin
(B) Anti-malarial drugs
(C) Structure of DNA
(D) Vaccine
Question 10. Who has proposed for the first time the double helix model of DNA?
(A) Hugo de Vries
(B) Lamark and Darwin
(C) Fisher and Haldoni
(D) Watson and Crick
Question 11. Who synthesized the DNA in vitro?
(A) Joseph Lister
(B) Edward Jenner
(C) Robert Hooke
(D) Arthur Kornberg
Question 12. Nobel Prize winning scientist James D. Watson is known for his work in which area?
(A) Genetics
(B) Environmental protection
(C) Meteorology
(D) Metallurgy
Question 13. Biochip contains ________.
(A) RNA, DNA and Protein
(B) RNA and DNA
Question 14. Geneco Technology is_________.
(A) Technique for prevention of cataract
(B) Technique for pre-information regarding genetic diseases
(C) A method for the development of species for food crops
(D) Defence system for prevention from AIDS
Question 15. Which work among these falls into the category of Biotechnology?
(A) Use of industrial technology to increase the biosphere
(B) Use of modern technology in research of biological mutilation
(C) Modernization of the process of commercial industry to produce the goods used in Bioexploration
(D) Use of the organism or their substances which are gain by manufacturing process
Question 16. Bio-magnification means ___________.
(A) Sudden increase in the number of the individuals of a species in a specific area
(B) To see the microscopic parts of the body by microscope
(C) Increasing a number of pesticides in the organisms of successive tropic level
(D) Fat spreading of cancer cells in the body
Question 17. Which of the following is recently evolved in Genetic Engineering?
(A) Gene synthesis
(B) Gene splicing
(C) Gene mapping
(D) Gene analysis
Question 18. If a rat is created by using human growth gene, which is eight times bigger than normal rat; then this technique will be said as ____________.
(A) Hormony nourshing
(B) Mutation reproduction
(C) Hereditary engineering
(D) Cross-breeding
Question 19. Which one of the followingm techniques can be used to establish the paternity of a child?
(A) DNA fingerprinting
(B) Quantitative analysis of DNA
(C) Chromosome counting
(D) Protein analysis
Question 20. Which one of the given is useful for proving paternity?
(A) DNA fingerprinting
(B) DNA Recombinant technology
(C) Gene cloning
(D) Gene therapy
Question 21. The latest technique used to establish identity of a human being based on biotechnological principle is __________.
(A) Karyotyping
(B) DNA fingerprinting
(C) Genome sequencing
(D) Biometric analysis
Question 22. The first crime ever solved using the DNA fingerprinting technique was in England in the year ________.
(A) 1993
(B) 1983
(C) 1973
(D) 1963
Question 23. DNA fingerprinting is used in the following area(s).
(A) Forensic cases only
(B) Conservation of endangered living being only
(C) Paternity dispute only
(D) All of the above
Question 24. The powder used for developing fingerprints on a multi-coloured surface is __________.
(A) Fluorescent powder
(B) Charcoal
(C) Manganese dioxide
(D) Gold dust
Question 25. ‘Metastasis’ is the process by which ___________.
(A) Cancer cells are successfully inhibited to divide any further
(B) The chromosomes in cells nuclei are attached to the spindle before moving to the anaphase poles
(C) Cancer cells spread through the blood or lymphatic system to ther sites or organs
(D) Cells divide rapidly under the influence of drugs
Question 26. Which one of the following is not achieved by transgenic?
(A) Production of transgenic crops
(B) Production of cloned animals
(C) Production of edible vaccines
(D) Production of biodegradable plastic
Question 27. Among living organisms, which one of the following is the most responsible factor for bringing about the origin of a new species?
(A) Sexual reproduction
(B) Natural selection
(C) Mutation
(D) Isolation
Question 28. Change in the base sequence within the gene is called _________.
(A) Fusion
(B) Mutation
(C) Cloning
(D) Breeding
Question 29. When one gene controls two or more different characters simultaneously, the phenomenon is called ________.
(A) Polyteny
(B) Polyploidy
(C) Pleiotropy
(D) Apomixis
Question 30. In gene therapy, to correct the functioning of a faulty gene ________.
(A) The whole bad gene is replaced by a good gene
(B) Defective gene is stopped from working
(C) Another good gene is inserted
(D) Bad gene is eleminated