MCQ Quiz on Jharkhand State
Question 1. What percentage of the population of Jharkhand is indulged in agriculture?
(A) 92.42
(B) 90.82
(C) 76.26
(D) 70.63
Question 2. The New Industrial Policy (2016) of the Government of Jharkhand has given top priority to rural electrification with an objective of?
(A) 70% Electrification by 2017
(B) 80% Electrification by 2017
(C) 90% Electrification by 2017
(D) 100% Electrification by 2017
Question 3. According to the 2008 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy of the Government of Jharkhand the State Level Rehabilitation and Resettlement Council shall meet at least …. a year. ?
(A) Once
(B) Thrice
(C) Four times
(D) Twice
Question 4. The Sohrai festival in Jharkhand is celebrated the next day of Diwali to glorify?
(A) Agriculture wealth
(B) Forest wealth
(C) Cattle wealth
(D) Mining wealth
Question 5. Kajli is a song sung during?
(A) Rabi harvest
(B) Rainy season
(C) Chaitra
(D) Holi
Question 6. The name of Jharkhand resident Lalit Mohan Roy is associated with which field?
(A) Acting
(B) Painting
(C) Sports
(D) Music
Question 7. To whom the first Paramvir Chakra was awarded in Jharkhand?
(A) Jatra Oraon
(B) Tilka Manjhi
(C) Birsa Munda
(D) Albert Ekka
Question 8. Tanginath was the centre of?
(A) Vaishnavism
(B) Buddhism
(C) Pasupatas
(D) Jainism
Question 9. Under Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 stipulates mandatory consent of how many people in Public-private Partnership Project. ?
(A) 80%
(B) 70%
(C) 60%
(D) 50%
Question 10. The largest tribe of Jharkhand in terms of population is?
(A) Oraon
(B) Santhal
(C) Munda
(D) Ho
Question 11. Name the festival of the flower of Adivasis in Jharkhand?
(A) Karma
(B) Sarhul
(C) Baha
(D) Tusu
Question 12. Sohrai is the biggest festival of which tribe?
(A) Oraon
(B) Munda
(C) Santhal
(D) Birhor
Question 13. The land owner under Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 means?
(A) Person whose name is recorded in as the owner of the land
(B) Person who is entitled to be granted ‘Patta’ right
(C) All of the above
(D) Person who is granted forest right under Forest Right Act, 2006
Question 14. Which district of Jharkhand has the maximum Adivasi population?
(A) Lohardaga
(B) Dumka
(C) East Singhbhum
(D) West Singhbhum
Question 15. The rank of Jharkhand among Indian states on Ease of Doing Business (EODB) in the year 2016 by World Bank and DIPP is ?
(A) First
(B) Seventh
(D) Third
Question 16. There is a total of 30 tribal communities in Jharkhand out of which the source of maximum tribes is?
(A) Mongoloid
(B) Negro
(C) Austric
(D) Proto-Australoid
Question 17. The 2016 Industrial Policy of the Government of Jharkhand is supposed to be operational for a period of?
(A) 1 year
(B) 15 years
(C) 10 years
(D) 5 years
Question 18. Jharkhand has become the first state to introduce direct benefit transfer in which commodity?
(A) Sugar
(B) Edible oil
(C) Kerosene oil
(D) Pulses
Question 19. What is the main profession of the Sadan of Jharkhand?
(A) Weaving
(B) Trade
(C) Agriculture
(D) Hunting
Question 20. ‘Rajgarh’ in Munda tradition is related to which place?
(A) Rajgir
(B) Paligarh
(C) Beejangarh
(D) Rohtasgarh
Question 21. Ranchi University was formed from the bifurcation of which university?
(A) None of the above
(B) Magadha University
(C) Patna University
(D) Bihar University
Question 22. What is Paika?
(A) Dance drama
(B) Painting
(C) Folk song
(D) Dance
Question 23. Which dance style of Jharkhand has become famous on the national and international level?
(A) Chhau
(B) Jatra
(C) Jadur
(D) Paika
Question 24. What is Langade?
(A) Musical instrument
(B) A dance form
(C) Kind of magic
(D) Both (A) and (C)
Question 25. State climatic cell has been established in the state of Jharkhand in Collaboration with?
(A) World Trade Organisation (WTO)
(B) Amnesty International
(C) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
(D) None of the above
Question 26. The village head of the Santhals is called?
(A) Manjhi
(B) Mukhia
(C) Parha
(D) Mahto
Question 27. Who was the sub-head of Manjhi in the community system of Santhals?
(A) Gorait
(B) Paranik
(C) Mustangir
(D) Pradhan
Question 28. What is the literacy meaning of ‘Birhor’?
(A) General man
(B) Pious man
(C) Nature-loving man
(D) Man of forest
Question 29. Which Puja of the tribals is held in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada?
(A) Sohrai
(B) Karma
(C) Sarhui
(D) Ramnavami
Question 30. The families who cleared jungles and prepare lands for plough were known as?
(A) Pujar
(B) Baiga
(C) Chalo Pachcho
(D) Bhuinhars