Inequality Reasoning Questions and Answers PDF includes all questions asked in previous year examinations. New Pattern Reasoning inequality questions notes gives shortcut tricks to remember difficult formulas.
Coded inequality reasoning questions PDF is useful in various competitive exams like IBPS, SBI, UPSC, Railway, RBI Asst., LIC Asst and RRB etc.
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In Inequalities Questions, statement containing different inequality symbols such as Greater than (>), Less than (<), Equals to (=), Greater than or Equals to (≥), and Less than or Equals to (≤).
You have to decode these symbols and answer whether the given relationship of the elements in a statement is true or not. To answer such questions you need to know the basic rules of the mathematical inequalities.
Important Rules for Inequality Reasoning
- A relationship can be easily established between two elements if they have similar signs.
- A relationship cannot be easily established between two elements if they don’t have similar signs. In these cases, you have to put extra care-seeking either-or cases type conclusions.
Types of Inequalities questions
(1)Direct Inequality:
Direct inequality is the symbols that are directly given in the statement.
(2) Coded Inequality:
Coded Inequality is the coded symbols provided in the statement and they will give their signification to the inequality symbol.
Symbols used in Inequality
- a < b means a is lesser than b
- a ≤ b means a is less than or equal to b
- a = b means a is equal to b
- a ≥ b means a is greater than or equal to b
- a > b means a is greater than b
- a ≠ b means a isn’t equal to b
Properties of Inequalities
Property | ≥ | ≤ |
Addition | If a ≥ b, then a + c ≥ b + c | If a ≤ b, then a + c ≤ b + c |
Subtraction | If a ≥ b, then a – c ≥ b – c | If a ≤ b, then a – c ≤ b – c |
Multiplication | If a ≥ b, then ac ≥ bc, where c>0 | If a ≤ b, then ac ≤ bc, where c>0 |
Division | If a ≥ b, then a/c ≥ b/c, where c>0 | If a ≤ b, then a/c ≤ b/c, where c>0 |
Transitivity | If a ≥ b and b ≥ c then, a ≥ c | If a ≤ b and b ≤ c then, a ≤ c |
Inverse Additive | If a ≥ b, then -a ≤ -b, if a>0, b>0 | If a ≤ b, then -a ≥ -b, if a>0, b>0 |
Multiplicative | If a ≥ b, then 1/a ≤ 1/b, if a>0, b>0 | If a ≤ b, then 1/a ≥ 1/b, if a>0, b>0 |
Inequalities Questions for SBI Clerk, IBPS Clerk, RBI Asst., LIC Asst. and IBPS RRB Exams.
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