Complete Indian History Quiz
Here we provided the Indian History GK Questions quiz for Competitive Exams. You can easily get marks with the help of these Complete History GK Questions and answers.
As you know Indian History gk is a very useful topic for SSC, Banking and various Competitive Exams. [MCQ Quiz]
GK and General Knowledge Quiz on Indian History.
Take 20 Quiz on the subject of Indian History and prepare yourself for competitive exams.
1. When did Gandhiji returned to India from South Africa ?
A. 14th March 1945
B. 9th January 1915
C. 8th Jun 1935
D. 9th July 1920
2. Father name of Shankracharya?
A. Arjuna
B. Shiv Guru
C. Rishi
D. Vidraj
3. Four mattas in the four corners of India were founded by?
A. Ramanujacharya
B. Bhaskaracharya
C. Madhavacharya
D. Adi Shankara
4. Who composed the Gayatri Mantra?
A. Parikshit
B. Indra
C. Vasishtha
D. Vishvamitra
5. What is the number of Richas in Rigveda?
A. 5840
B. 10580
C. 1205
D. 15150
6. Which among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda?
A. Ganga
B. Saraswati
C. Chenab
D. Sindhu
7.Who first translated Bhagvad Gita to English?
A. Alexander Cunningham
B. Brain Lee
C. John Marshall
D. William Jones
9.The first newspaper published in India in 1780 was?
A. The Calcutta Chronicle
B. The Bombay Highlight
C. The Bengal Gazette or Calcutta General Advertise
D. Madras Courier
10. The first woman to climb mount Everest was?
A. Florence Griffith Joyner
B. Junko tabeli
C. Joyner kersee
D. Marie jose
11.The ancient(prachin) name of North Bihar was?
A. Vatsa
B. Surasena
C. Avant
D. Vajji
12. Whom can we call the first national ruler of India?
A. Kanishka
B. Chandragupta Maurya
C. Harsah
D. Ajatasatru
13. Which Sikh Guru initiated the ‘Sikh Khalsa’ in 1699?
A. Guru Tegh Bahadur
B. Guru Arjan
C. Guru Gobind Singh
D. Guru Tegh Bahadur
14. The English established their first factory in India at?
A. Madras
B. Surat
C. Mumbai
D. Hyderabad
16. The Government of India, 1919 is also known as
A. Pitts India Act
B. Morley-Mlnto Reforms
C. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
D. Regulating Act
17. Who was the First Speaker of Independent India’s Lok Sabha?
A. Hukam Singh
B. Rabi Ray
C. G.V. Mavalankar
D. Bali Ram Bhagat
18. Who started the first English newspaper in India ?Who started the first English newspaper in India ?
A. Raja Rammohan Roy
B. Lord William Bentinck
C. J.A. Hickey
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
19. Ustad Mansur was a famous painter in the region of?
A. Humayun
B. Jahangir
C. Shajahan
D. Akbar
20. Which of the following was most probably the first metal to be used in India?
A. Silver
B. Gold
C. Copper
D. Iron