Complete Indian Economy Questions – Answers Quiz
Here we provided the Indian Economy GK quiz for Competitive Exams. You can easily get marks with the help of these Complete History GK Questions and answers.
As you know Indian Economy Questions Answers is an important topic for IAS, SSC, Banking and for various Competitive Exams.
1. Which is the best measurement of the economic growth of a country?
C. Net Revenue
D. None of above
2. What is Animal on the insignia of the RBI?
A. Tiger
B. Lion
C. Elephant
D. Panther
3. A cause of inflation is?
A. Fall of production
B. Increase in money supply
C. Decrease in money supply and fall in production
D. Increase in money supply and Fall in production
4. The Father of Economics is?
A. Max Muller
B. Adam Smith
C. Karl Marx
D. None of above
5. Indian Economy in which type Economy?
A. Traditional Economy
B. Market Economy,
C. Command Economy
D. Mixed Economy
6. The Task of the Planning Commission is?
A. Financial of the plan
B. Implementation of the plan
C. Preparation of the plan
D. None of Above
7. Who is the new Vice Chairman of the NITI Aayog in India?
A. Rajnath Singh
B. Amit Shah
C. Rajiv Kumar
D. Nitin Gadkari
8. Five-year Plans concept in India introduced by?
A. Indira Gandhi
B. Morarji Desai
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
9. What is True about Closed Economy?
A. Neither exports nor imports take place
B. Only Export take place
C. Only import take place
D. The money supply is fully controlled
10. In which Sector in India, The Public Sector is most Dominant?
A. Transport
B. Steel Production
C. Agriculture
D. Commercial Banking
11. Production means in Economics is?
A. Farming
B. Making
C. Creating Utility
D. Manufacturing
12. The Problem of Economics arises from?
A. Scarcity of goods
B. Plenty
C. More wants and less goods
D. None of the above
13. The System of MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) was introduced in?
A. 1990-91
B. 1887-88
C. 1976-77
D. 1969-70
14. Take off Stage in Economy means?
A. Economy is collapse
B. Steady Growth begins
C. Economy is Stagnant
D. None of above
15. Economic Planning is a subject…..
A. In the State List
B. In the Union List
C. In the Concurrent List
D. None of above
16. NITI Aayog is?
A. A Ministry
B. A Government Department
C. An Advisory Body
D. All of Above
17. Planning in India derives its objective from:
A. Directive Principles of state policy
B. Fundamental Rights
C. Preamble
D. Fundamental Duties
18. Economic survey is publish by?
A. Planning Commission
B. Ministry of Finance
C. Government of India
D. Indian Statustical Institute
19. Mixed Economy Means…?
A. Both agriculture and industry are equally promoted by the state
B. There is the importance of small scale industries along with heavy industries
C. Economy is controlled by the military as well as civilian rulers
D. There is co-existence of public sector along with private sector
20. Planning Commission of India Set up in?
A. 1950
B. 1956
C. 1960
D. 1948
So in this quiz, we have compiled 400 important and advance questions on the different sections of the Indian Economy which would be very useful for all various competitive exams like Clerk, GPSC, UPSC, PSC, SSC, and others.