Question 1. Mendel’s principle of inheritance is based on______.
(A) Vegetative reproduction
(B) Asexual reproduction
(C) Sexual reproduction
(D) All of the above
Question 2. Genome mapping relates to______.
(A) Mapping of brain
(B) Mapping of nerve centres
(C) Mapping of genes
(D) Blood grouping
Question 3. Who is the father of modern genetics?
(A) Thomas Hunt Morgan
(B) Charles Darwin
(C) Hugo De Vries
(D) Gregor Johann Mendel
Question 4. The classical Mendel’s work on his ‘laws of inheritance’ was performed on the organism______.
(A) Sweet pea
(B) Garden pea
(C) Snapdragon
(D) Drosophila
Question 5. The sugar present in DNA is_____.
(A) Ribose
(B) Deoxyribose
(C) Fructose
(D) Glucose
Question 6. Hereditary symptoms are moved in the descendant of creatures by______.
(A) Lysosome
(B) Plasma
(C) Chromosome
(D) Ribosome
Question 7. Which of the following is responsible for controlling hereditary character of the living cells?
(A) Enzyme
(C) Hormone
Question 8. The unit of heredity in our body is called______.
(A) Nucleus
(B) Gene
(D) Chromosome
Question 9. Gene is_____.
(A) All of the above
(B) A segment of DNA, RNA and histone
(C) A segment of DNA and histone
(D) A segment of DNA
Question 10. Who delivered the principle of ‘jumping gene’?
(A) Watson and Crick
(B) Barbara Mc Clintock
(C) Tomas Hunt Morgan
(D) Gregor Johann Mendel
Question 11. Which compound present in D.N.A. does not form amino acid?
(A) Cytosine
(B) Guanine
(C) Tyrosine
(D) Adenine
Question 12. Which of the following professional(s) are more likely to run the risk of a permanent change in their cell’s DNA?
- Researchers using carbon 14 isotope
- X-ray technician
- Coal miner
- Dyer and painter Select the correct answer by using the codes given below.
(A) 1, 3 and 4
(B) 1, 2 and 4
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) Only 2