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Question 1. The game of ‘Chess’ is said to have originated in _________.
(A) India
(B) Indonesia
(C) Iran
(D) China
Question 2. Tormad was from the racial group of _________.
(A) Saka
(B) Yaochi
(C) Huna
(D) Sithian
Question 3. What is the valid tax according to Hindu law?
(A) One-fourth of the yields
(B) One-third of the yields
(C) One-sixth of the yields
(D) Half of the yields
Question 4. Which ruling dynasty donated maximum villages to temples and Brahmins?
(A) Pratihara
(B) Rashtrakut
(C) Pala Dynasty
(D) Gupta Dynasty
Question 5. Who of the following was the first Gupta ruler to issue coins?
(A) Srigupta
(B) Samudragupta
(C) Ghatotkacha
(D) Chandragupta-I
Question 6. Read the following statements carefully:
- Gupta Emperors claimed divine rights for themselves
- Their administration was highly centralised
- They extended the tradition of land grants
Answer on the basis of the following code.
(A) 2 and 3 are true
(B) 1 and 3 are true
(C) 1 and 2 are true
(D) 1, 2 and 3 are true
Question 7. In 3rd A.D., Warangal was famous for __________.
(A) Elephant-teeth work
(B) Iron implements
(C) Gold Jewelleries
(D) Copper pots
Question 8. What is the land revenue rate in religious books?
(A) 1/8
(B) 1/6
(C) 1/4
(D) 1/3
Question 9. The gradual decline of towns was an important feature of which period?
(A) Satavahana era
(B) Rashtrakut
(C) Pratihara era
(D) Gupta period
Question 10. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were called _________.
(A) Nisc
(B) Rupaka
(C) Dinara
(D) Karshapana
Question 11. The ancient Indian play Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadutt has its subject on _________.
(A) The court intrigues at the time of Chandragupta Maurya
(B) The story of the power struggle between two Aryan tribes
(C) A romantic story of an Aryan prince and a tribal woman
(D) A conflict between Gods and Demons of ancient Hindu lore
Question 12. In ancient India, the irrigation tax was called?
(A) Uparnika
(B) Udranga
(C) Hiranya
(D) Bidakabhagam
Question 13. What was the land revenue rate in Gupta age?
(A) Half part of the production
(B) Eighth part of the production
(C) Sixth part of the production
(D) Fourth part of the production
Question 14. Who established Gupta Samvat?
(A) Ghatotkacha
(B) Chandragupta-II
(C) Srigupta
(D) Chandragupta-I
Question 15. Which (among these) are Gupta’s gold coins?
(A) Pan
(B) Nishka
(C) Dinara
(D) Kaudi
Question 16. Chinese traveller ‘Sungyun’ was came in India in?
(A) 592 A.D. to 597 A.D
(B) 545 A.D. to 552 A.D.
(C) 525 A.D. to 529 A.D.
(D) 515 A.D. to 520 A.D.
Question 17. Which type of land was called ‘Aprahat’?
(A) Cultivated land
(B) Dense forest land
(C) Irrigated land
(D) Without cultivated forest land
Question 18. During which age did women enjoy equality with men?
(A) Vedic age
(B) Cholas
(C) Mauryan age
(D) Gupta age
Question 19. The first inscriptional evidence of the Satipratha has been found from?
(A) Sanchi
(B) Mandsaur
(C) Junagarh
(D) Eran
Question 20. Kalidas was in the ruling period of ___________.
(A) Chandragupta-II
(B) Chandragupta-I
(C) Ashoka
(D) Samudragupta
Question 21. Who amongst the following had defeated Huna ruler Mihirakula?
(A) Prabhakaravardhana
(B) Shashanka
(C) Yashodharman
(D) Budhagupta
Question 22. The Gupta Empire granted tax-free agrarian land to which of the following?
(A) Courts scholars
(B) Brahmins
(C) Civil officials
(D) Military officials
Question 23. In ancient India, which dynasty’s rule is considered as the Golden Age?
(A) Magadha
(B) Gupta
(C) Shunga
(D) Mauryan
Question 24. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period women and Sudras speak?
(A) Sauraseni
(B) Pali
(C) Prakrit
(D) Sanskrit
Question 25. Who of the following among the Nine Gems of Chandragupta was associated with Astrology?
(A) Amar Singh
(B) Kshapanak
(C) Sanku
(D) Vararuchi
Question 26. With reference to Indian history, which of the following is/are the essential element /elements of the feudal system?
- A very strong centralised political authority and a very weak provincial or local political authority.
- Emergence of administrative structure based on control and possession of the land.
- Creation of lord-vassal relationship between the feudal lord and his overlord.
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) Only 3
(C) Only 2 and 3
(D) Only 1 and 2
Question 27. Which one of the following statements is not true for Shankaracharya, Saint of the 8th century?
(A) He propagated Vedanta
(B) He named Prayag as Teerthraj
(C) He countered the spread of Buddhism and Jainism
(D) He established four religious centres in different parts of India