Question 1. Queen Victoria’s manifesto was read out in Allahabad on November 1, 1858, by _________.
(A) Lord William Bentinck
(B) Lord Canning
(C) Lord Burnham
(D) Sir Harcourt Butler
Question 2. In whose rule the Widow Remarriage Act was implemented in _________.
(A) Lord Dalhousie
(B) Lord Canning
(C) Sir Henry Hardinge
(D) Lord Lawrence
Question 3. Queen Victoria’s Proclamation was read out by Lord Canning on 1st November, 1858 at?
(A) Allahabad
(B) Calcutta
(C) Bombay
(D) Madras
Question 4. Who of the following was the first Viceroy of India?
(A) Lord Clive
(B) Lord Cornwallis
(C) Lord Canning
(D) Lord Ripon
Question 5. Queen Victoria was appointed the Empress of India in __________.
(A) 1858
(B) 1876
(C) 1877
(D) 1885
Question 6. The right to adopt heir in place of own son was reestablished by _________.
(A) Government of India Act of 1858
(B) Lord Canning
(C) Release of Charter in 1860
(D) Queen’s announcement of 1858
Question 7. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Lord Cornwallis – Permanent Settlement
(B) Lord Wellesley – Masterly Inactivity
(C) Lord Dalhousie – Subsidiary Alliance
(D) Lord Canning – Foundation of Indian National Congress
Question 8. Which Governor-General had abolished slavery?
(A) Lord Cornwallis
(B) Lord Ellenborough
(C) Lord William Bentinck
(D) Sir John Shore
Question 9. ‘Permanent Settlement’ was introduced during the tenure of _________.
(A) Warren Hastings
(B) Lord Cornwallis
(C) Sir John Shore
(D) Lord Wellesley
Question 10. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Lord Cornwallis – Permanent Settlement
(B) Lord Wellesley – Subsidiary Alliance
(C) Lord Dalhousie – Doctrine of Lapse
(D) Lord Canning – Masterly Inactivity
Question 11. When was Peshwaship abolished?
(A) 1858
(B) 1818
(C) 1861
(D) 1802
Question 12. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Lord Cornwallis – Permanent Settlement
(B) Lord Wellesley – Subsidiary Alliance System
(C) Lord Hastings – Second AngloMaratha War
(D) Lord William Bentinck – Seventeenth Regulation of 1829
Question 13. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Lord Ellenborough – Annexation of Awadh
(B) Lord Dalhousie – Annexation of Sindh
(C) Lord Wellesley – Fourth AngloMysore War
(D) Sir John Shore – Third AngloMaratha War
Question 14. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Lord Cornwallis – Permanent Settlement
(B) Lord Wellesley – Subsidiary Alliance System
(C) Sir John Shore – Anglo-Nepal War
(D) Lord Hastings – Third AngloMaratha War
Question 15. Who among the following is associated with the policy of ‘Masterly Inactivity’?
(A) William Bentinck
(B) Lord Canning
(C) Lord Mayo
(D) John Lawrence
Question 16. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Lord Dalhousie – Annexation of Awadh
(B) Lord Dufferin – Establishment of Indian National Congress
(C) Lord William Bentinck – Passing of the Charter Act 1833
(D) Lord Lytton – Beginning of first Anglo-Afghan War
Question 17. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Suppression of Thuggee – William Bentinck
(B) Ilbert Bill – Ripon
(C) Ring Fence Policy – Warren Hastings
(D) Vernacular Press Act – Curzon
Question 18. The 1st census in India during the British period was held during the tenure of ________.
(A) Lord Dufferin
(B) Lord Lytton
(C) Lord Mayo
(D) Lord Ripon
Question 19. Which viceroy was murdered in his tenure?
(A) Lord Curzon
(B) Lord Mayo
(C) Lord Ripon
(D) Lord Wellesley
Question 20. Which one of the following Viceroy of India was murdered by a convict in Andaman and Nicobar Island while he was on tour?
(A) Lord Curzon
(B) Lord Ripon
(C) Lord Mayo
(D) Lord Minto
Question 21. Which among the following viceroy period the title of ‘Rai Bahadur’ and ‘Khan Bahadur’ were began to conferred to Indian?
(A) Lord Ripon
(B) Lord Lytton
(C) Lord Mayo
(D) Lord Dufferin
Question 22. The Governor-General who followed a spirited ‘Forward’ policy towards Afghanistan was _______.
(A) Minto
(B) Dufferin
(C) Elgin
(D) Lytton
Question 23. Local Self-Government institutions in India were strengthened in 1882 by ________.
(A) George Barlow
(B) Lord Rippon
(C) Lord Curzon
(D) Lord Lytton
Question 24. Who had the longest tenure as the Viceroy of India?
(A) Lord Curzon
(B) Lord Dufferin
(C) Lord Hardinge
(D) Lord Mayo
Question 25. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Pitt’s India Act – Warren Hastings
(B) Doctrine of Lapse – Dalhousie
(C) Vernacular Press Act – Curzon
(D) Ilbert Bill – Ripon