Question 1. On the basis of alleged maladministration which Governor-General had taken the administration of Mysore state?
(A) Lord Wellesley
(B) Lord Hastings
(C) Lord William Bentinck
(D) Lord Harding
Question 2. Sir Thomas Munro was Governor of Madras during years?
(A) 1820-1827 A.D.
(B) 1819-1826 A.D.
(C) 1822-1829 A.D.
(D) 1818-1825 A.D.
Question 3. Who among the following was associated with suppression of thugs?
(A) General Henry Prendergast
(B) Captain Sleeman
(C) Alexander Burres
(D) Captain Robert Pemberton
Question 4. Who among the following Governor-Generals of Bengal was associated with Third AngloMysore War?
(A) Warren Hastings
(B) Lord Cornwallis
(C) Sir John Shore
(D) Lord William Cavendish Bentinck
Question 5. ‘Hill Assembly Plan’ was set up for the development of Adivasi by?
(A) T. Wilkinson
(B) Cleveland
(C) Lord William Bentinck
(D) Lord Macaulay
Question 6. Sati system was abolished by?
(A) Lord Warren Hastings
(B) Lord Wellesley
(C) Lord William Bentinck
(D) Lord Ripon
Question 7. The export of slaves from Bengal was banned in which year?
(A) 1764
(B) 1789
(C) 1858
(D) 1868
Question 8. In which year Sati System was abolished by William Bentinck?
(A) 1825 A.D
(B) 1827 A.D.
(C) 1829 A.D.
(D) 1830 A.D.
Question 9. James Andrew Ramsay was the real name of which Governor-General of India?
(A) Lord Dalhousie
(B) Lord Canning
(C) Lord North
(D) Lord Curzon
Question 10. Awadh was annexed to British Empire in India by?
(A) Policy of subsidiary alliance
(B) Doctrine of Lapse
(C) By declaring the State as maladministered
(D) By waging war
Question 11. Which of the underwritten pairs is correctly matched?
(A) 1849 A.D. – Merger of Satara
(B) 1848 A.D. – Merger of Punjab
(C) 1856 A.D. – Merger of Awadh
(D) 1855 A.D. – Merger of Jhansi
Question 12. Awadh was amalgamated into the British dominion in year?
(A) 1853
(B) 1854
(C) 1855
(D) 1856
Question 13. The ruler of which one of the following states was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance?
(A) Awadh
(B) Jhansi
(C) Nagpur
(D) Satara
Question 14. Which of the following was the first victim of Lord Dalhousie’s policy of doctrine of lapse?
(A) Jhansi
(B) Satara
(C) Karauli
(D) Sambhalpur
Question 15. Who among the following formulated and implemented the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’?
(A) Wellesley
(B) Hastings
(C) Dalhousie
(D) Clive
Question 16. Sindh was annexed by the British in?
(A) 1843
(B) 1845
(C) 1849
(D) 1854
Question 17. The conquest of Sindh by British was completed during the period of?
(A) Lord Ellenborough
(B) Lord Hardinge
(C) Lord Aukland
(D) Lord Amherst
Question 18. Who among the following was the British residence in Awadh at the time of its annexation into British Dominion?
(A) James Outram
(B) W.H. Sleeman
(C) Bishop R. Heber
(D) General Low
Question 19. The princely state of Baghat was annexed to the British in?
(A) 1848
(B) 1850
(C) 1852
(D) 1853
Question 20. The first railway line was opened in India between?
(A) Howrah and Serampore
(B) Bombay and Thane
(C) Madras and Guntur
(D) Delhi and Agra
Question 21. Which company started the First Railway Service in India?
(A) Eastern Railway
(B) Great Indian Peninsula Railway
(C) Madras Railway
(D) Awadh-Tirhut Railway
Question 22. The first railway in India was laid down during the period of?
(A) Lord Dalhousie
(B) Lord Curzon
(C) Lord Wellesley
(D) Lord Lytton
Question 23. The first railway line in India was started in the year?
(A) 1853
(B) 1850
(C) 1840
(D) 1890
Question 24. Public Works Department was organised in 1845-1855 by?
(A) Lord Dalhousie
(B) Lord Cornwallis
(C) George Auckland
(D) Warren Hastings
Question 25. The last major extension of British Indian territory took place during the time of?
(A) Dufferin
(B) Dalhousie
(C) Lytton
(D) Curzon