This quiz will test your knowledge on the subject of poverty and population. It will cover topics such as the definition of poverty, the different types of poverty, and the factors that contribute to population growth.
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Question 1: Critical minimum effort theory was designed by which of the following given economists?
(A) H. Leibenstein
(B) Rosentein Rodan
(C) W.W. Rostow
(D) None of the above
Question 2: What is the density of population at the National level in India according to the 2011 Census?
(A) 326 persons per sq. kilometer
(B) 367 persons per sq. kilometer
(C) 382 persons per sq. kilometer
(D) 398 persons per sq. kilometer
Question 3: According to the Census 2011, the percentage of India’s population to the world population is ___________.
(A) 16
(B) 16.5
(C) 17.5
(D) 18
Question 4: India is at which of the following stages of Demographic Transition?
(A) Population level stabilises with number of births and deaths being low and equal
(B) Birth rates and death rates are both low
(C) Reduction in birth rate but the reduction in death rate is higher than a reduction in birth rate
(D) Reduction in mortality rate while birth rate continues to be high
Question 5: At present the National Commission on Population is under _____________.
(A) Planning Commission
(B) Ministry of Human Resource Development
(C) Cabinet Secretariat
(D) Ministry of Health
Question 6: To eradicate the problem of poverty, Twenty Point Economic Programme was launched for the first ___________.
(A) 7th July, 1971
(B) 7th July, 1975
(C) 26th January, 1951
(D) 15 August, 1983
Question 7: Which among below is the economic effect of population pressure in India?
(A) Higher burden of unproductive consumers on total population
(B) Disintegration of family
(C) Overcrowding of cities
(D) Ecological degradation
Question 8: When the population growth rate of an economy becomes greater than the achievable economic growth, it is known as ___________.
(A) Population Explosion
(B) Population Trap
(C) Population Crisis
(D) None of the above
Question 9: Which Indian state has the highest percentage of children suffering from malnutrition?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Bihar
Question 10: Which of the following committees is related to the estimation of poverty in India?
(A) Vijay Kelkar Committee
(B) Suresh Tendulkar Committee
(C) S.P. Gupta Committee
(D) Lakdawala Committee
Question 11: Poverty level in India is established on the basis of __________.
(A) per capita income in different states
(B) household average income
(C) household consumer expenditure
(D) slum population in the country
Question 12: Tendulkar Committee has estimated that in India the percentage of the population below poverty line is _____________.
(A) 27.2
(B) 37.2
(C) 22
(D) 32.7
Question 13: Who conducts the periodical sample survey for estimating the poverty line in India?
(A) Niti Aayog
(D) Ministry of Social Justice
Question 14: How many people in India live below poverty line?
(A) 29.5%
(B) 23.5%
(C) 40.5%
(D) 27.5%
Question 15: According to Malthusian Theory of Population, population increases in ____________.
(A) Geometrical Progression
(B) Arithmetic Progression
(C) Harmonic Progression
(D) None of the above
Question 16: In India, life expectancy is ___________.
(A) 68.8 years
(B) 71.2 years
(C) 75.5 years
(D) 65.3 years
Question 17: Which one of the following year is known as the ‘year of the Great Divide’ with regard to the population after which there has been a continuous and rapid growth in India’s population?
(A) 1911
(B) 1921
(C) 1941
(D) 1951
Question 18: Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Decade Decadal growth rate of population (in percent) ____________.
(A) 1971-1981 24.66
(B) 1981-1991 23.87
(C) 1991-2001 21.54
(D) 2001-2011 19.05
Question 19: Population growth in India during the decade 2001-2012 was ____________.
(A) 17.6%
(B) 19.5%
(C) 21%
(D) 22%
Question 20: The National Rural Health Mission was launched on ____________.
(A) August 15, 2002
(B) March 31, 2003
(C) June 18, 2004
(D) April 12, 2005
Question 21: The proposed ‘Janani Suraksha Scheme’ will replace _____________.
(A) Maternity and Child Health Scheme
(B) National Maternity Benefit Scheme
(C) Mahila Samakhya
(D) Reproductive and Child Health Scheme
Question 22: The concept of ‘Vicious Circle of Poverty’ is related to ___________.
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Nurkse
(C) Nurkse
(D) None of these
Question 23: Which among the following in India is the Nodal agency for estimation of poverty at the National and State level?
(A) Finance Committee
(B) Rural Ministry
(C) Home Ministry
(D) Planning Commission
Question 24: The census projection report shows that India is one of the youngest nation in the world. In year 2020, average age of Indians will be of ____________.
(A) 27 years
(B) 28 years
(C) 29 years
(D) 30 years
Question 25: Consider the following statements.
- Infant Mortality Rate takes into account the death of infants within a month after birth.
- Infant Mortality Rate is the number of infant deaths in a particular year 100 live births during that year.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
Question 26: India is regarded as a country with a ‘Demographic Dividend’. This is due to ___________.
(A) its high population in the age group below 15 years
(B) its high population in the age group of 15-64 years
(C) its high population in the age group above 65 years
(D) it’s high to the total population
Question 27: To obtain full benefits of the demographic dividend what should India do?
(A) Promoting skill development
(B) Introducing more social security schemes
(C) Reducing infant mortality rate
(D) Privatisation of higher education
Question 28: When population experts refers to the possible ‘Demographic Bonus’ that may accrue to India around 2016, they are referring to phenomenon of ____________.
(A) a surge in population in productive age group
(B) a sharp drop in total population
(C) a decline in birth and death rates
(D) a well balanced sex ratio
Question 29: According to Census 2011, the state having the highest density of population is ___________.
(A) Bihar
(B) Kerala
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) West Bengal
Question 30: According to Census 2011, which of the following states of India has the lowest percentage of Urban population to its total population?
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Odisha
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Rajasthan
Question 31: According to Census 2011, the most urbanised state of India is ____________.
(A) Kerala
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Goa
(D) Nagaland
Question 32: Under the National Population Policy 2000, the goal to attain population stagnation has been raised from 2045 to ___________.
(A) 2055
(B) 2060
(C) 2065
(D) 2070
Question 33: As per Census 2011, the Total Fertility Rate of India is __________.
(A) 3.2
(B) 2.9
(C) 2.6
(D) 2.4
Question 34: The size of marginal land-holding in India is __________.
(A) more than 5 hectares
(B) 2 hectares to 4 hectares
(C) 1 hectare to 2 hectares
(D) less than 1 hectare
Question 35: Find the correct poverty estimates for the given states in 2011-12, as per the Planning Commission.
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
34.7%, 33.7%, 36.9%, 34.7%
(B) Bihar
39.9%, 36.9%, 39.9%, 33.7%
(C) Chhattisgarh
36.9%, 34.7%, 33.7%, 33.9%
(D) Manipur
33.7%, 39.9%, 34.4%, 36.9%
Question 36: Which of the following fixes the poverty line in India?
(A) Central Council of Ministers
(B) Lok Sabha
(C) Rajya Sabha
(D) Planning Commission (NitiAayog)
Question 37: Which of the following Committees was set up in India for identification of BPL families in Urban Areas?
(A) Tendulkar Committee
(B) Saxena Committee
(C) Lakdawala Committee
(D) Hashim Committee
Question 38:
- Assertion (A): India has experienced a Phenomenal growth of population since 1951.
- Reason (R): 1951 is called the demographic divide in India’s demographic history.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
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