A resource for anyone looking for answers to common human development questions. This blog post contains a multiple-choice quiz on human development. Test your knowledge on topics like physical development, cognitive development, and social-emotional development.
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Question 1: Human Development Index is a composite index of which of the following?
(A) Nutritional status, quality of life and per capita GDP
(B) Poverty, life expectancy and educational attainment
(C) Life expectancy, educational attainment and per capita income
(D) Inflation, unemployment and per capita GDP
Question 2: Which of the following is not a measure of Human Development Index?
(A) Life Expectancy
(B) Sex Ratio
(C) Literacy Rate
(D) Gross Enrolment
Question 3: HDI is measured with reference to
- Infant Mortality
- Real GDP per capita
- Life Expectancy at birth
- Morbidity
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 2 and 3 are correct
(B) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(C) 3 and 4 are correct
(D) All are correct
Question 4: Which of the following is not included in Human Development Index?
(A) Life Expectancy
(B) Real per capita income
(C) Social Inequality
(D) Adult Literacy
Question 5: Which one of the following organisations publishes the Human Development Report?
(B) World Bank
Question 6: As per the Human Development Report 2015, consider the following statements.
- India ranks 130 out of 188 countries.
- HDI is based on the indices for life expectancy education and PPP.
- In comparison to other nations in the BRICS, India has the lowest rank.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) Only 2
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Question 7: Which one of the following publishes the ‘Global Competitiveness Index’ report?
(B) World Economic Forum
Question 8: ‘Rule of Law Index’ is released by which of the following?
(A) Amnesty International
(B) International Court of Justice
(C) The office of UN Commissioner for Human Rights
(D) World Justice Project
Question 9: The Multi-Dimensional Poverty India developed by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative with UNDP support covers which of following?
- Deprivation of Education, health, assets and services at household level.
- Purchasing power parity at national level.
- Extent of budget deficit and GDP growth rate at national level.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(A) Only 1
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Question 10: The multi-dimensional poverty index of UNDP includes __________.
(A) 8 indicators
(B) 10 indicators
(C) 12 indicators
(D) 14 indicators
Question 11: The ‘World Economic Outlook Report’ is released by ___________.
(A) World Bank
(B) International Monetary Fund
(C) Asian Development Bank
(D) International Labour Organisation
Question 12: The World Investment Report (WIR) is published by __________.
(A) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
(B) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
(C) General Agreement on Tariffs on Trade (GATT)
(D) Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Question 13: ‘World Development Report’ is an annual publication of ___________.
(A) International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
(B) International Monetary Fund
(C) United Nations Development Programme
(D) World Trade Organisation
Question 14: Human Poverty Index was developed in the year _________.
(A) 1991
(B) 1995
(C) 1997
(D) 2001
Question 15: Which of the following dimensions is exclusively considered in HPI-2 (Human Poverty Index-2)?
(A) Social Exclusion
(B) Knowledge Exclusion
(C) Economic Exclusion
(D) Gender Inequalities
Question 16: While calculating HDI, the maximum value and minimum value for life expectancy at birth (years) are taken as ___________.
(A) 100 and 25
(B) 90 and 30
(C) 85 and 25
(D) 80 and 20
Question 17: Which one of the following is not a constituent of Human Development Index?
(A) Health and Nutrition
(B) Per Capita Income
(C) Life Expectancy at Birth
(D) Gross Enrolment Rate
Question 18: Consider the following statements about ‘World Happiness Report 2018’ released by United Nations in March 2018.
- India dropped 11 spots from its ranking in the previous year 2017.
- Finland with 1st rank is the happiest country.
- This report includes only 155 countries.
Of the above, the correct statement(s) is/are
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 1 and 2
(C) Only 1 and 3
(D) Only 2 and 3
Question 19: ‘Saving energy and other resources for the future without sacrificing people’s comfort in the present’ is the definition of which of the following concepts?
(A) Economic growth
(B) Economic development
(C) Sustainable development
(D) Human development
Question 20: ABC Index announced by the Government of India is associated with which of the following?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Communication
(C) Health
(D) Education
Question 21: According to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), what percentage of world’s total population is currently living in urban areas?
(A) 25
(B) 35
(C) 45
(D) 55
Question 22: When did the Government of India established the independent Ministry for ‘Women and Child Development’?
(A) 1985
(B) 1986
(C) 1987
(D) 1988
Question 23: The Human Development Index (HDI) was first developed by which of the following?
Question 24: Consider the following statements.
Human capital formation as a concept is better explained in terms of a process which enables
- individuals of a country to accumulate more capital.
- increasing the knowledge, skill levels and capacities of the people of the country.
- accumulation of tangible wealth.
- accumulation of intangible wealth.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 2
(B) Only 2
(C) 2 and 4
(D) 1, 3 and 4
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