Question 1. Gateway to the Internet optimized for mobility?
(A) Voice portal
(B) WiMax
(C) Mobile enterprise
(D) Mobile Portal
Question 2. systems used to track and identify the location of objects in real time ______.
(A) Geolocation
(B) Geographical information system (GIS)
(C) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
(D) Real-time location system (RTLS)
Question 3. Computing capabilities embedded in the environment but typically not mobile?
(A) Mobile Portal
(B) pervasive computing
(C) Context-aware computing
(D) Voice portal
Question 4. Computing capabilities embedded into objects around us (mobile and stationary)?
(A) Pervasive computing
(B) Ubiquitous computing (ubicom)
(C) Context-aware computing
(D) Geolocation
Question 5. Automatically identifying a Web user’s location?
(A) Voice portal
(B) Geolocation
(C) Sensor network
(D) WiMax
Question 6. Vehicle mount solutions?
- Handheld solutions
- Hands-free and voice solutions
(A) Mobile enterprise
(B) Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
(C) Typical Mobile Devices Used in Warehouses
(D) Interactive voice response (IVR)
Question 7. short-range radio frequency communication technology for remotely storing and retrieving data using devices called _______ tags and ________ readers.
(A) Network-based positioning
(B) Real-time location system (RTLS)
(C) Radio frequency identification (RFID)
(D) Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
Question 8. A collection of nodes capable of environmental sensing, local computation, and communication with its peers or with other higher performance nodes.
(A) Voice portal
(B) Mobile Portal
(C) Geolocation
(D) Sensor network
Question 9. A technology that offers Internet browsing from wireless devices?
(A) Real-time location system (RTLS)
(B) Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
(C) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
(D) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
Question 10. Calculating the location of a mobile device from signals sent by the device to base stations?
(A) Personal Area Network (PAN)
(B) Terminal-based positioning
(C) Pervasive computing
(D) Network-based positioning
Question 11. Delivery of m-commerce transactions to individuals in a specific location, at a specific time?
(A) Location-based m-commerce (lcommerce)
(B) Context-aware computing
(C) Ubiquitous computing (ubicom)
(D) Network-based positioning
Question 12. A website with an audio interface that can be accessed through a telephone call?
(A) WiMax
(B) Geolocation
(C) Mobile Portal
(D) Voice portal
Question 13. A wireless technology, designed to provide Internet access across metro areas to fixed (not moving) users. It is considered wireless broadband technology?
(A) Voice portal
(B) Mobile Portal
(C) WiMax
(D) Geolocation
Question 14. A wireless version of the Ethernet networking standard?
(A) Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
(B) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
(C) Personal Area Network (PAN)
(D) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
Question 15. A wireless telecommunications network for device-to-device connections within a very short range?
(A) Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
(B) Personal Area Network (PAN)
(C) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
(D) Sensor network
Question 16. Computer system capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing, and displaying geographically referenced (spatial) information?
(A) Personal Area Network (PAN)
(B) Interactive voice response (IVR)
(C) Real-time location system (RTLS)
(D) Geographical information system (GIS)
Question 17. Application of mobile computing inside the enterprise (e.g., for improved communication among employees)?
(A) Sensor network
(B) Mobile enterprise
(C) Voice portal
(D) Mobile Portal
Question 18. A telecommunications network that offers wireless coverage over a large geographical area, typically over a cellular phone network?
(A) Personal Area Network (PAN)
(B) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
(C) Wireless wide area network (WWAN)
(D) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
Question 19. A voice system enables users to request/receive info, enter/change data through a telephone to a computerized system?
(A) Pervasive computing
(B) Real-time location system (RTLS)
(C) Personal Area Network (PAN)
(D) Interactive voice response (IVR)
Question 20. Which of the following is a specification for multicast discovery on a LAN?
(A) WS-Agent
(B) WS-Discovery
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 21. Ability to detect and react to a set of environmental variables that is described as context (which can be sensor info or users’ attitudes)?
(A) Mobile Portal
(B) Context-aware computing
(C) Pervasive computing
(D) Network-based positioning