Looking to improve your spelling? Take our quiz to see how good you are at choosing the correct spelling for common words.
Take this quick quiz to see how good your spelling is. Choose the correct spelling for each word.
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Choose the Correct Spelling Quiz
Question 1: Identify the correct spelling:
(A) phoenix
(B) phonices
(C) phonicks
(D) phoeniks
Question 2: Identify the correct spelling:
(A) Suceses
(B) Sucaces
(C) Success
(D) Sucess
Question 3: Choose the option which has been misspelt.
(A) Interference
(B) Encouragement
(C) Legitimate
(D) Diseppointed
Question 4: Choose the option which has been misspelt.
(A) abstain
(B) absence
(C) abhore
(D) abate
Question 5: Choose the option which has been misspelt.
(A) slaughter
(B) sledge
(C) sleuth
(D) seperate
Question 6: Find the correctly spelt word.
(A) scoler
(B) schollar
(C) shcolar
(D) scholar
Question 7: Find the correctly spelt word.
(A) upheaval
(B) upheival
(C) upheval
(D) uphieval
Question 8: Find correct spelling.
(A) etiquet
(B) etiqquet
(C) ettiquet
(D) etiquette
Question 9: Identify a word spelled correctly from the following options.
(A) Stateonery
(B) Stitionery
(C) Stationery
(D) Stiteonery
Question 10: Which is the incorrect spelling?
(A) Correspondence
(B) Unforgattable
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Characteristic
Question 11: Which is the correct spelling?
(A) Micelenias
(B) Miscelanious
(C) Miscellaneous
(D) Myselanious
Question 12: Identify the correct spelt word among the following options.
(A) Mischievos
(B) Mischevous
(C) Mischievous
(D) Mischievious
Question 13: Find correct spelling:
(A) Racommend
(B) Racomand
(C) Recommend
(D) Recomend
Question 14: Pick out correct spelt word.
(A) Allienate
(B) Alliennate
(C) Alienate
(D) Alliennatte
Question 15: Which of the following words are misspelt?
1. Lieutenant
2. Colonel
3. Liaise
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) 3 only
(D) None of the above
Question 16: Find the correct spelling of the word for ‘Day of remembrance”.
(A) Aniversary
(B) Anniversary
(C) Anniversory
(D) Annivarsery
Question 17: Find the correct spelling of the word for ‘Non elective government officials’
(A) Buroucracy
(B) Bureaucrecy
(C) Buraucracy
(D) Bureaucracy
Question 18: Find correct spelling:
(A) perseverence
(B) perseverance
(C) perseveranse
(D) parseverence
Question 19: Choose the word with Correct Spelling.
(A) Humorous
(B) Ganerous
(C) Maretorious
(D) Pupolous
Question 20: Select the correctly spelled word:
(A) Guaranty
(B) Gaurantee
(C) Garantee
(D) Guarantee
Question 21: Select the correctly spelled word:
(A) Condam
(B) Condem
(C) Conden
(D) Condemn
Question 22: Select the correctly spelled word:
(A) rthyme
(B) rhythm
(C) rythm
(D) rythme
Question 23: Choose the correctly spelt word:
(A) Ascendancy
(B) Ascendncy
(C) Ascandency
(D) Acsendancy
Question 24: Find the correct spelling.
(A) Embbarasing
(B) Embarassing
(C) Embarrasing
(D) Embarrassing
Question 25: Which spelling is correct?
(A) equivalent
(B) iquivelen
(C) equivelent
(D) aquivelant
Question 26: Find correct spelling.
(A) Buckey
(B) Bouquet
(C) Booket
(D) Bouquete
Question 27: Identify the correct spelling.
(A) Concommitant
(B) Concomitant
(C) Concomitent
(D) Concommitent
Question 28: Find out correct spelling.
(A) Academie
(B) Acedemic
(C) Academic
(D) Acadamic
Question 29: Find the correct spelling for a respiratory disease.
(A) Neumonia
(B) Numonia
(C) Pneumonia
(D) Pnumoniya
Question 30: Choose the correctly spelled word.
(A) Leftnant
(B) Leiutenant
(C) Lieutenant
(D) Lieutanent
Question 31: His ________ are blue.
(A) veins
(B) vains
(C) wains
(D) weins
Question 32: I keep a ________ hung on the wall of my bed-room.
(A) calendar
(B) calender
(C) calander
(D) calendur
Question 33: Fill in the blank with correct spelling:
Vote and ________ for me, please.
(A) canvass
(B) cenvass
(C) canvaas
(D) canvase
Question 34: Choose the word with the correct spelling.
(A) mallice
(B) malise
(C) malice
(D) malious
Question 35: Find out correct spelling:
(A) Trable
(B) Trouble
(C) Troble
(D) Truble
Question 36: The spelling of ’40’ is ________.
(A) Fourtee
(B) Fourty
(C) fourti
(D) Forty
Question 37: Choose the word with wrong spelling.
(A) designation
(B) amature
(C) burglar
(D) controversy
Question 38: Choose the word with correct spelling.
(A) Coruppt
(B) Corrupt
(C) Curropt
(D) Corrupat
Question 39: Choose the word with correct spelling.
(A) Perseverance
(B) Preservarance
(C) Perseverence
(D) Preserverence
Question 40: Choose the word with correct spelling.
(A) Tranquillity
(B) Trenquillity
(C) Trenquility
(D) Tranquility
Question 41: Choose the word with correct spelling.
(A) Benefeted
(B) Benifited
(C) Benefited
(D) Benefitted
Question 42: Choose the word with correct spelling.
(A) Efflorascence
(B) Efllorescence
(C) Efflorescence
(D) Eflorescence
Question 43: Choose the word with correct spelling.
(A) Entreprenuer
(B) Entrepraneur
(C) Entrapreneur
(D) Entrepreneur
Question 44: Which of the following spelling is correct?
(A) Visious
(B) Wisious
(C) Vicious
(D) Wissious
Question 45: Which of the following spelling is correct?
(A) Carnel
(B) Cornal
(C) Colonal
(D) Colonel
Question 46: Choose the correct spelling.
(A) Intillect
(B) Intelact
(C) Intelect
(D) Intellect
Question 47: Find correct spelling from following.
(A) tungue
(B) barberian
(C) miscellaneous
(D) dimpal
Question 48: Find correct spelling from following.
(A) Quintessance
(B) Quintessence
(C) Quintesance
(D) Quintassence