Question 1. Recently developed technique for monitoring foetal growth is _________.
(A) X-rays
(B) Ultra-violet rays
(C) Ultrasonics
(D) Microwave technique
Question 2. Embryo is found in ________.
(A) Buds
(B) Seeds
(C) Leaves
(D) Flowers
Question 3. The first country to impose ban on the sale of tobacco and its products is ________.
(A) Myanmar
(B) Bhutan
(C) Norway
(D) Sri Lanka
Question 4. ‘SANRAKSHA’ is ________.
(A) Malaria Research and Control Project (Bengaluru)
(B) T.B. Research and Control Project (New Delhi)
(C) AIDS Research and Control Project (Bengaluru)
(D) None of the above
Question 5. NACO is an organisation dealing with __________.
(A) Cancer
(C) Child Healthcare
(D) None of the above
Question 6. Indian Veterinary Research Institute is located at __________.
(A) Patna
(B) Karnal
(C) Mathura
(D) Bareilly
Question 7. CDRI (India) is located at __________.
(A) Lucknow
(B) Bangalore
(C) Delhi
(D) Allahabad
Question 8. Survey of India is under the ministry of________.
(A) Science and Technology
(B) Home Affairs
(C) Environment and Forests
(D) Defence
Question 9. The headquarters of Survey of India is located at ________.
(A) New Delhi
(B) Dehradun
(C) Hyderabad
(D) Chandigarh
Question 10. Which one of the following is an unmatched pair?
(A) Central Salt Research Institute – Bhavnagar
(B) Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology – Hyderabad
(C) Central Electrochemical Research Institute – Kolkata
(D) Central Drug Research Institute – Lucknow
Question 11. Where is the High Security Animal Disease Laboratory is located in India?
(A) Mumbai
(B) Bhopal
(C) Bangalore
(D) Hyderabad
Question 12. Among Lucknow based National Science Institutes, identify the non C.S.I.R. Institute ________.
(A) CDRI (Central Drug Research Institute)
(B) BSIP (Birbal Sahani Institute of Palaebotany)
(C) NBRI (National Botanical Research Institute)
(D) CIMAP (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants)
Question 13. The National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped is situated at ________.
(A) Chennai
(B) Kolkata
(C) New Delhi
(D) Hyderabad
Question 14. DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Research Centre is situated at __________.
(A) Kolkata
(B) Hyderabad
(C) New Delhi
(D) Pune
Question 15. Identify a mismatch among the following pairs.
(A) IISc – Bangalore
(B) NPL – New Delhi
(C) IISR – Lucknow
(D) NBRI – Kolkata
Question 16. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources is located at _________.
(A) Srinagar
(B) New Delhi
(C) Bangalore
(D) Hyderabad
Question 17. Which of the following has the largest brain in proportion to its body size?
(A) Human Being
(B) Dolphin
(C) Elephant
(D) Ant
Question 18. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Antibiotics – Quinine
(B) Antioxidant – B-Carotene
(C) Antiknock agent – Tetraethyl lead
(D) Antifreeze compound – Ethylene glycol
Question 19. In which Indian city the first dianosaurium has been opened?
(A) Ahmedabad
(B) Hyderabad
(C) Jalandhar
(D) Mumbai
Question 20. ‘AVAHAN’ the Indian segment of ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ is engaged in the prevention of ________.
(A) Filariasis
(C) Polio
(D) Dengue
Question 21. Headquarters of ‘World Health Organization’ ___________.
(A) Berlin
(B) New York
(C) Paris
(D) Geneva
Question 22. Where was the first Dental College of the country founded?
(A) Madras (Chennai)
(B) Bombay (Mumbai)
(C) Calcutta (Kolkata)
(D) Aligarh
Question 23. The bear commonly performing on streets is________.
(A) Cat bear
(B) Brown bear
(C) Sun bear
(D) Sloth bear
Question 24. How many bones are in Shark Fish?
(A) 300
(B) 200
(C) 0
(D) 100
Question 25. Dogs are herbivores ___________.
(A) True
(B) False
(C) None of the above
(D) All of the above