Question 1. Which one of the following creatures have no blood but respires?
(A) Fish
(B) Earthworm
(C) Cockroach
(D) Hydra
Question 2. The presence of parasites within parasites is a phenomenon known as _______.
(A) Ectoparasitism
(B) Endoparasitism
(C) Hyperparasitism
(D) Commensalism
Question 3. The smallest organism, capable of autonomous growth and reproduction is ______.
(A) Bacteriophage
(B) Mycoplasma
(C) Bacteria
(D) Virus
Question 4. Bull semen for the purpose of artificial insemination is stored in_______.
(A) Liquid Carbon Dioxide
(B) Liquid Nitrogen
(C) Liquid Oxygen
(D) Ice
Question 5. Which of the following is high milk yielding a variety of cow?
(A) Red Sindhi
(B) Sahiwal
(C) Holstein
(D) Dorset
Question 6. The ‘Rashtriya Gokul Mission’ announced by the Union Government aims at ________.
(A) Eliminating foot and mouth disease in cattle
(B) Curbing slaughtering of cattle
(C) Developing high milk yielding cow breeds
(D) Protecting the indigenous breed of cows
Question 7. Clonal selection can be used in _______.
(A) Potato
(B) Wheat
(C) Mustard
(D) Groundnut
Question 8. Which of the living tissues acts as the carrier of organic nutrients in higher plants?
(A) Epidermis
(B) Cortex
(C) Phloem
(D) Xylem
Question 9. Among the colours mentioned below the eye is most sensitive to colours between ________.
(A) Yellow and green
(B) Green and blue
(C) Orange and yellow
(D) Red and green
Question 10. Electron beam therapy is a kind of radiation therapy in treat _________.
(A) Kidney stone
(B) Certain type of cancer
(C) Gall bladder stone
(D) Enlarged prostate gland
Question 11. A dentist mirror is a __________.
(A) Plane mirror
(B) Convex mirror
(C) Concave mirror
(D) Cylindrical mirror
Question 12. Which of the following is used by the dentist to see the image of teeth of a patient?
(A) Concave lens
(B) Convex mirror
(C) Convex lens
(D) None of the above
Question 13. Which one of the following animals have three chambered heart?
(A) Frog
(B) Fish
(C) Crocodile
(D) Monkey
Question 14. Which out of the following does not have a gall bladder?
(A) Fish
(B) Rat
(C) Giraffe
(D) Camel
Question 15. An electronic diode using a semi conductor nanoparticle material synthesised by micro-organisms has been recently by Indian scientists for the first time, having utility in device miniaturization. The organism used in a/an ___________.
(A) Protozoa
(B) Yeast
(C) Bacteria
(D) Virus
Question 16. Which was the first animal to travel to space?
(A) A mosquito
(B) A cockroach
(C) A dog
(D) A mouse
Question 17. In which of the following animals hooves are not found?
(A) Horse
(B) Jackal
(C) Jackal
(D) Deer
Question 18. What is particulate matter?
(A) Soil pollutant
(B) Water pollutant
(C) Air pollutant
(D) Solid residue
Question 19. The gas used as a mild anaesthetic in hospitals is________.
(A) Nitrous oxide
(B) Helium
(C) Carbon monoxide
(D) Carbon dioxide
Question 20. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(A) Neurology – Nervous System
(B) Urology – Digestive System
(C) Gastro- – Urinary enterology System
(D) Cardiology – Respiratory System
Question 21. Which one of the following is not banned for use as performance enhancing substance by the athletes?
(A) Colostrum
(B) Erythroprotein
(C) Testosterone
(D) Human growth hormone
Question 22. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Antiseptic – Phenolphthalin
(B) Cryolite – Ore of Aluminium
(C) Natural Rubber – Poly-isoprene
(D) Control centre of cell – Nucleus
Question 23. The chief mosquito repellent is obtained from_______.
(A) Turmeric (Haldi)
(B) Margo (Neem)
(C) Lemon (Nibu)
(D) Basil (Tulsi)
Question 24. Angora wool is obtained from a breed of________.
(A) Tibetan Deer
(B) Rabbit or Goat
(C) Fox
(D) Sheep
Question 25. Termites are also known as __________.
(A) Black ants
(B) White ants
(C) Red ants
(D) Ants