Question 1. ‘Red Ribbon Express’ is a visual and moving medium for _________.
(A) Programme for protecting all the children from malnutrition
(B) Programme for protecting girl child
(C) Awareness about Pulse Polio
(D) Awareness about AIDS
Question 2. An endoscope is used by a physician to view the internal parts of a body organ. It is based on the principle of ______.
(A) Dispersion of light
(B) Total internal reflection of light
(C) Reflection of light
(D) Refraction of light
Question 3. Myoglobin contains the metal _________.
(A) Iron
(B) Gold
(C) Silver
(D) Copper
Question 4. Which one of the following varieties of dogs is unable to bark?
(A) Labrador
(B) Dalmatian
(C) Alsatian
(D) Dingo
Question 5. Which of the following type is used by Computed Tomography employed for visualisation of them internal structure of human body?
(A) Radio isotopes
(B) Magnetic resonance
(C) Sound waves
(D) X-rays
Question 6. Mission Indradhanush Campaign in India is associated with ________.
(A) Vaccination of children
(B) Eradication of blindness
(C) Awareness of diabetes
(D) Nutrition to pregnant women
Question 7. ‘Mission Indradhanush’ of the, Union Government is related to _________.
(A) Tourism promotion
(B) Skill development
(C) Immunization of children
(D) Pulse production
Question 8. Cholesterol is __________.
(A) Chromium salt
(B) Fatty alcohol found in animal fat
(C) Derivative of chloroform
(D) Type of chlorophyll
Question 9. Cholesterol is ___________.
(A) An enzyme
(B) A steroid
(C) A vitamin
(D) An insecticide
Question 10. Generally, cholestrol levels are related with ________.
(A) Liver cirrhosis
(B) In kidney becomes stone
(C) Veins becomes hardened
(D) Arteries becomes hardned
Question 11. Doctors recommend that we should cook our food in oil rather than in vanaspati ghee because _______.
(A) Oil is cheaper
(B) Oil is easier to store
(C) Oil contain saturated fats
(D) Oil contain unsaturated fats
Question 12. Trans fat is generally considered to be bad for human health because it lowers the level of _________.
(A) Insulin
(B) Triglycerides
Question 13. Which vegetable oil is suitable for heart patients?
(A) Soyabean oil
(B) Mustard oil
(C) Groundnut oil
(D) Sunflower oil
Question 14. In July 2004, where is the world largest session of HIV/AIDS is organized in the world?
(A) Rome
(B) New York
(C) Singapore
(D) Bangkok
Question 15. 1st December, is celebrated every year as _________.
(A) World Literacy Day
(B) World AIDS Day
(C) World Food Day
(D) World Environment Day
Question 16. ‘World AIDS Day’ is celebrated on which date?
(A) 1st December
(B) 1st May
(C) 1st April
(D) 12th January
Question 17. Pheromones are found in ________.
(A) Bats
(B) Birds
(C) Snakes
(D) Insects
Question 18. Iodine is obtained from ____________.
(A) Spirogyra
(B) Chara
(C) Polysiphonia
(D) Laminaria
Question 19. Which one of the following is a substance abundantly available in the sea and administered in a certain deficiency disease?
(B) Fluorine
(C) Vitamin A
(D) Iron
Question 20. Litmus the acid-base indicator is obtained from __________.
(A) Bacterium
(D) None of these
Question 21. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Tartaric acid – Grape juice
(B) Formic acid – Red ants
(C) Carbonic acid – Soda water
(D) Lactose – Sour milk
Question 22. Bacillus thuringiensis is used as _______.
(A) Chemical insecticide
(B) Chemical fertilizer
(C) Biological insecticide
(D) Biofertilizer
Question 23. An organism involved in the fermentation of toddy is _________.
(A) Penicillium
(B) Saccharomyces
(C) Acetobacter
(D) Lactobacillus
Question 24. Which yeast is used for commercial production of ethanol?
(A) Leucosporidium frigidum
(B) Candida sloofi
(C) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(D) Candida albicans
Question 25. A microbe commonly used for alcoholic fermentation in wine industry is a _________.
(A) Actinomycete
(B) Cyanobacterium
(C) Bacterium
(D) Yeast