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Question 1. The author of ‘Swapnavasavadatta’ is __________.
(A) Rajshekhara
(B) Bhavabhuti
(C) Bhasa
(D) Kalidasa
Question 2. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
(A) Saundarananda – Asvaghosha
(B) Mudrarakshasa – Vishakhadatta
(C) Malavikagnimitra – Kalidasa
(D) Karpurmanjari – Harsha
Question 3. How many Tarangas are in Rajtarangini of Kalhana?
(A) Eleven
(B) Ten
(C) Nine
(D) Eight
Question 4. ‘Milindapanha’ is a?
(A) Persian epic
(B) Pali text
(C) Jain chronicle
(D) Sanskrit drama
Question 5. What is the name of Kalhana’s book?
(A) Rajatarangini
(B) Purana
(C) Indica
(D) Arthashastra
Question 6. Which one of the following books of ancient India has the love story of the son of the founder of Sunga dynasty?
(A) Ratnavali
(B) Meghadoota
(C) Malavikagnimitra
(D) Swapnavasavadatta
Question 7. Among the four works mentioned below which one is encyclopedic in nature?
(A) Ashtangahidayam
(B) Brihat Samhita
(C) Siddhantasiromani
(D) Amarakosha
Question 8. The contemporary ruler of Kalhana, the author of Rajatarangini was _________.
(A) Jayachandra
(B) Govindchandra
(C) Harsha
(D) Jai Singh
Question 9. Which one of the following is not correcly matched?
(A) Harsha – Ratnavali
(B) Subandhu – Kadambari
(C) Bhasa – Svapna Vasavadattam
(D) Kalidasa – Raghuvansa
Question 10. Which of the following drama was not written by Kalidas?
(A) Janaki haranam
(B) Kumarsambhavam
(C) Abhigyan Shakuntalam
(D) Malavikagnimitram
Question 11. The protagonist of the Play ‘Malvikagnimitra’ written by Kalidasa is ________.
(A) Chandragupta-II
(B) Agnimitra
(C) Gautamiputra Satakarni
(D) Pushyamitra Shunga
Question 12. ‘Nagananda’, ‘Ratnavali’ and ‘Priyadarshika’ was written by __________.
(A) Harshavardhana
(B) Vatsyayan
(C) Vishakha Datta
(D) Bana Bhatta
Question 13. Name the source that is silent about the trade routes of ancient India?
(A) All of the below
(B) Jataka Tales
(C) Milindpanha
(D) Sangam Sahitya
Question 14. The Panchasiddhantika of Varahamihira is based upon?
(A) Mesopotamian astronomy
(B) Iranian astronomy
(C) Greek astronomy
(D) Persian astronomy
Question 15. Who of the following was the writer of Mudrarakshasa?
(A) Bhas
(B) Kalidasa
(C) Vishakhadatta
(D) Ashwaghosha
Question 16. Which of the following is not a literary masterpiece of Kalidasa?
(A) Vikramorvasiyam
(B) Ritu Sanghar
(C) Meghduta
(D) Mrichchhakatikam
Question 17. Saundarananda was the composition of ____________.
(A) Bhaas
(B) Bhavbhuti
(C) Banabhatta
(D) Asvaghosa
Question 18. Milindapanha is in the form of a dialogue between King Menander and Buddhist monk?
(A) Kumarilabhatta
(B) Nagasena
(C) Nagabhatta
(D) Nagarjuna
Question 19. Charaka Samhita is related to which of the following subject?
(A) Religion
(B) Medicine
(C) Politics
(D) Arthashastra
Question 20. The title ‘Father of History’ rightly belongs to __________.
(A) Socrates
(B) Thucydides
(C) Euripides
(D) Herodotus
Question 21. Who wrote ‘Shakuntalam’?
(A) Bhavabhuti
(B) Kalidasa
(C) Ved Vyas
(D) Bana Bhatt
Question 22. Who among the following continued the Rajtarangini of Kalhana?
(A) Jonaraja and Srivara
(B) Jonaraja and Merutunga
(C) Bilhana and Mammata
(D) Bilhana and Merutunga
Question 23. Buddhist text ‘Milindapanha’ throws light on which Indo-Greek ruler?
(A) Strato-I
(B) Menander
(C) Demetrius
(D) Diodorus-II
Question 24. Ashtadhyayi’ was written by ___________.
(A) Valmiki
(B) Shukhadeva
(C) Panini
(D) Vedavyas
Question 25. ‘Kumarasambhava’ an epic poem was composed by ___________.
(A) Kalidasa
(B) Harishena
(C) Chand Bardai
(D) Banabhatta
Question 26. Rajatarangini’ written by Kalhan is associated with which of the following?
(A) Reign of Krishna Deva Raya
(B) History of Kashmir
(C) Anthology of lyrics
(D) Chandragupta’s reign
Question 27. Daskumar Charitam was composed by ____________.
(A) Kalidas
(B) Tulsidas
(C) Dandin
(D) Surdas
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