Are you a budding chemist looking to test your knowledge on the topic of alcohol? Then look no further! This chemistry Alcohol MCQ quiz is the perfect way to do just that. Test your knowledge on this important topic and see how well you fare!
Question 1. Which one of the following is also known as ‘wood spirit’?
(A) Glycerol
(B) Ethylene glycol
(C) Ethyl alcohol
(D) Methyl alcohol
Question 2. Fermentation of sugar leads to ?
(A) Chlorophyll
(B) Acetic acid
(C) Methyl alcohol
(D) Ethyl alcohol
Question 3. Ethyl alcohol is made unfit for drinking by the addition of the following.
(A) Napthalene
(B) Acetic acid and Pyridine
(C) Methanol and Pyridine
(D) Potassium Cyanide
Question 4. The offending substance in the liquor tragedies leading to blindness etc., is ?
(A) Methyl alcohol
(B) Benzyl alcohol
(C) Amyl alcohol
(D) Ethyl alcohol
Question 5. To whom molasses are excellent raw materials for production?
(A) Paraffin
(B) Alcohol
(C) Urea
(D) Glycerin