If you’re looking for a way to make your writing more concise, try using one word substitution! This technique can help you shorten your sentences without sacrificing meaning or clarity.
Take this One Word Substitution Quiz to see how good you are at substituting words in a sentence!
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One Word Substitution Quiz with Answers
Question 1: Write one word for the given expression.
“A list of books available in a library”
(A) Backlist
(B) Index
(C) Catalogue
(D) Bibliography
Question 2: Identify the most suitable one word substitute for : “One who performs daring gymnastic feats.”
(A) Acrobat
(B) Conjuror
(C) Athlete
(D) Juggler
Question 3: Substitute the following in one word.
“A place of good climate for invalids.”
(A) Sanatorium
(B) Retreat
(C) Hospital
(D) Asylum
Question 4: Give one word for the following:
“A heavenly being”
(A) Angel
(B) Angle
(C) Engel
(D) Engle
Question 5: Substitution with the correct word.
“To bite like a rat.”
(A) Split
(B) Gnaw
(C) Chew
(D) Cut
Question 6: Choose the correct word for the following.
“A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge.”
(A) Artificial
(B) Showy
(C) Ornate
(D) Pedantic
Question 7: Write one word for the given expression. “One who is all powerful.”
(A) Omnipresent
(B) Omniscient
(C) Omnivorous
(D) Omnipotent
Question 8: ‘To make up one’s mind’ means?
(A) to encourage
(B) to decide
(C) to oppose
(D) to fail
Question 9: Substitute the following in one word.
“out of proportion”
(A) Authentic
(B) Essence
(C) Exaggerated
(D) Entails
Question 10: Give one word for the following:
“One who looks for only dark side”
(A) Philanthropist
(B) Pessimist
(C) Somnambulist
(D) Misogynist
Question 11: Substitution with the correct word.
“A person who sees only the dark side of the things.”
(A) Activist
(B) Pessimist
(C) Optimist
(D) Genius
Question 12: Choose the correct word for the following.
“A person with whom you work.”
(A) Friend
(B) Colleague
(C) Reporter
(D) Host
Question 13: Write one word for the given expression. “One who excels in many things.”
(A) Genius
(B) Versatile
(C) Credulous
(D) Cannibal
Question 14: Identify the most suitable one word substitute for : “A life history of a person written by someone else.”
(A) Autography
(B) Biography
(C) Autobiography
(D) Bibliography
Question 15: Substitute the following in one word. “A hater of knowledge and learning.”
(A) Bibliophile
(B) Philologist
(C) Misogynist
(D) Misologist
Question 16: Give one word for the following:
“One who compiles dictionary.”
(A) Lexicographer
(B) Calligrapher
(C) Nap
(D) Editor
Question 17: Substitution with the correct word. “A place where birds are kept.”
(A) Aviary
(B) Zoo
(C) Attic
(D) Nursery
Question 18: Choose the correct word for the following.
“People in a riot.”
(A) rabble
(B) mob
(C) crowd
(D) congregation
Question 19: Write one word for the given expression.
“To congratulate someone in a formal manner.”
(A) Facilitate
(B) Felicitate
(C) Solemnize
(D) Celebrate
Question 20: Identify the most suitable one word substitute for : “Deviation from standard practice.”
(A) Anonymity
(B) Anomaly
(C) Heterogeneity
(D) Unanimity
Question 21: Substitute the following in one word.
“A person who is womanish in his habits.”
(A) Feminist
(B) Effeminate
(C) Philanderer
(D) Philogynist
Question 22: Give one word for the following:
“A person against whom legal action is instituted.”
(A) Defendant
(B) Litigant
(C) Appellant
(D) Deponent
Question 23: Substitution with the correct word.
“Person who eats human flesh.”
(A) Veteran
(B) Cantabile
(C) Cannibal
(D) Trencherman
Question 24: Choose the correct word for the following.
“A person who lives in foreign country.”
(A) Immigrant
(C) Resident
(D) Domicile
Question 25: Write one word for the given expression. “To examine one’s own thoughts and feeling.”
(A) Meditation
(B) Retrospection
(C) Reflection
(D) Introspection
Question 26: Identify the most suitable one word substitute for : “A person chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue.”
(A) Lawyer
(B) Plaintiff
(C) Arbitrator
(D) Justice
Question 27: Substitute the following in one word.
“A person who pretends to be better than he is.'”
(A) Smart
(B) Traitor
(C) Clever
(D) Hypocrite
Question 28: Give one word for the following:
“Government based on religion”
(A) Diarchy
(B) Theocracy
(C) Plutocracy
(D) Aristocracy
Question 29: Substitution with the correct word.
“That which cannot be rubbed off”
(A) Incredible
(B) Indelible
(C) Inedible
(D) Irrubbable
Question 30: Choose the correct word for the following.
“Person who doesn’t believe in existence of god.”
(A) Theist
(B) Heretic
(C) Atheist
(D) Fanatic
Question 31: Write one word for the given expression. “A person who is disloyal to his country”
(A) Traitor
(B) Patriot
(C) Lawyer
(D) Arbitrator
Question 32: Identify the most suitable one word substitute for : “A person who looks to the bright side of things with hopeful vision”
(A) Fatalist
(B) Atheist
(C) Iconoclast
(D) Optimist
Question 33: Substitute the following in one word.
“One who cannot be changed or reformed.”
(A) Invulnerable
(B) Incorrigible
(C) Incurable
(D) Hardened
Question 34: Give one word for the following:
“To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.”
(A) Meditation
(B) Retrospection
(C) Reflection
(D) Introspection
Question 35: Substitution with the correct word.
“That which can never be believed.”
(A) Irrevocable
(B) Incredible
(C) Inevitable
(D) Irritable
Question 36: Choose the correct word for the following.
“One who abstains from alcoholic drinks.”
(A) Teetotaller
(B) Spendthrift
(C) Workaholic
(D) Mindless
Question 37: Write one word for the given expression.
“A person who brings goods illegally into the country.”
(A) Importer
(B) Imposter
(C) Exporter
(D) Smuggler
Question 38: Identify the most suitable one word substitute for : “to go on some one’s land without permission.”
(A) To trespass
(B) To prosecute
(C) To pass off
(D) To transgress
Question 39: One who has lost his wife is called __________ .
(A) widow
(B) widower
(C) husband
(D) vidow
Question 40: Give one word for the following:
“A quick reply to a question or remark”
(A) Rapid
(B) Perceive
(C) Respond
(D) Retort