Environment quizzes to test your understanding of General Knowledge. All quizzes have answers available with pdf.
As we know Environment Questions Answers is a very useful subject for all class students, SSC, Banking and for various Competitive Exams.
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Environment Questions Answers Quiz
Question 1: Which part of the plant evaporates water?
(A) Stomata
(B) Fruit
(C) Branch
(D) Root
Question 2: Which of the following is not an air pollutant?
(A) Nitrogen Gas
(B) Smoke
(C) Carbon Dioxide
(D) Sulphur Dioxide
Question 3: Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is destroyed by _____________.
(A) chlorofluorocarbons
(B) HC1
(C) SO
(D) smog
Question 4: Ozone layer is found in ______________.
(A) Stratosphere
(B) Troposphere
(C) Thermosphere
(D) Mesosphere
Question 5: Which of these is biodegradable?
(A) polythene
(B) cow dung
(C) coke cans
Question 6: During summer the earth is _____________.
(A) Closer to the moon
(B) Closer to the sun
(C) Away from the sun
(D) Away from the moon
Question 7: Acid rain is due to ___________.
(A) oxides of sulfur
(B) oil slick
(C) combustion of fossil fuels
(D) nuclear wars
Question 8: The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is ___________ .
(A) None
(B) Maybe upright or invented
(C) Always upright
(D) Always inverted
Question 9: Which of the following gases has a role important in maintaining atmospheric temperature?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Argon
(C) Carbon dioxide
(D) Oxygen
Question 10: The term Ecosystem was coined by ____________.
(A) Arthur G Tansley
(B) Odum
(C) Clements
(D) Elton
Question 11: Climate includes ____________.
(A) General patterns of atmosphere conditions
(B) Seasonal variation
(C) Average weather of an area
(D) All of these
Question 12: Which planet is known as the ‘Watery Planet’?
(A) Earth
(B) Mercury
(C) Jupiter
(D) Mars
Question 13: At low elevation which among the following clouds are to be found?
(A) Nimbus
(B) Cirrus
(C) Cumulus
(D) Stratus
Question 14: Mild and rainy winters, warm and dry summers are the characteristic features of ___________.
(A) Mediterranean Region
(B) Tropical Grasslands
(C) Temperate Grasslands
(D) Monsoon Region
Question 15: Perspiration is maximum when temperature is _______________.
(A) high and air is dry
(B) low and air is dry
(C) high and air is humid
(D) low and air is humid
Question 16: Trophic levels are formed by ____________.
(A) Only plants
(B) only animals
(C) Only carnivorous
(D) Organisms linked in food chain
Question 17: Example of primary pollutant _____________.
(A) CO
(B) SO2
(C) NO2
(D) hydrocarbons
Question 18: The major pollutant from automobile exhaust is _____________.
(A) CO
(B) NO
(C) Soot
(D) SO2
Question 19: A population is a group of ______________.
(A) species in a community
(B) individuals in a species
(C) individuals in a family
(D) communities in an ecosystem
Question 20: Which of the following is a secondary pollutant ___________.
(A) CO
(B) CO2
(C) SO2
(D) O3
Question 21: Air pollution is severe in _____________.
(A) Industrialised areas
(B) Cities
(C) Densely populated areas
(D) All of these