Physics Quiz Questions With Answers
Question 1: Which one is supplementary unit?
(A) second
(B) Ampere
(C) Candella
(D) Steradian
Question 2: Parsec is unit of……
(A) Distance
(B) Velocity
(C) Time
(D) Plane angle
Question 3: Which one is unit of Intensity of an electric field?
(A) Vm
(B) NC
(C) Vm-1
(D) As
Question 4: Which one is not a unit of time?
(A) second
(B) hour
(C) year
(D) lightyear
Question 5: Which one is not a physical quantity?
(A) Kelvin
(B) Candella
(C) Volt
(D) All
Question 6: Which physical quantity having the same unit in all the unit systems?
(A) Length
(B) Time
(C) Mass
(D) Work
Question 7: dyne g.1 is a unit of which physical quantity?
(A) Velocity
(B) mass
(C) Force
(D) Acceleration
Question 8: Which physical quantity from given below is dimensionless?
(A) Angle
(B) Stress
(C) density
(D) Latent heat
Question 9: The average distance between sun and earth is called _____.
(A) 1 Parsec
(B) 1 lightyear
(C) 1 AU
(D) 1A°
Question 10: Which unit is different than other units?
(A) Ws
(B) KWh
(C) Js
(D) eV
Question 11: If the units for mass, length and time become double, then unit of angular momentum becomes ____.
(A) Doubles
(B) Three times
(C) Four times
(D) Eight times
Question 12: Ns is a unit of which physical quantity?
(A) velocity
(B)Angular momentum
(C) Linear momentum
(D) work
Question 13: The volume and area of the surface are equal for a given cube. Then the surface area = ____ unit.
(A) 36
(B) 216
(C) 144
(D) 1000
Question 14: Nm-2 is not a unit of physical quantity given below?
(A) Pressure
(B) Stress
(C) Bulk modulus
(D) Strain
Question 15: If the unit of length and force increases to four times, the unit of energy _________.
(A) Increases to 8 times
(B) Increases to 16 times
(C) Decreases to 8 times
(D) Decreases to 16 times
Question 16: If the unit of length and time are taken as km and hr, what is the value of g in km h-1.
(A) 980
(B) 9800
(C) 1,27,008
(D) 12,700
Question 17: For a wire, mass = (0.3 ± 0.003) g radius = (0.5 ± 0.005) mm and length = (6 ± 0.06) cm, percentage error in density is _____ .
(A) 1 %
(B) 2 %
(C) 3 %
(D) 4 %
Question 18: The periodic time of second pendulum is 2.0 s and the mean absolute error in its measurement is 0.01s, then value of periodic time with error is _____.
(A) 2.0 ± 0.10 s
(B) 2.0 ± 0.05 s
(C) 2.0 ± 0.02 s
(D) 2.0 ± 0.01 s
Question 19: How many significant digits in 0.0250?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Question 20: 1.875 + 2.41 = _____ (by considering significant digits)
(A) 4.3
(B) 4.28
(C) 4.285
(D) 4.29
Question 21: Significant digits in 0.0007 are …
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Question 22: When 1.71 N is Subtracted from 3.75 N the result in significant figures is ______.
(A) 2 N
(B) 2.0 N
(C) 2.04 N
(D) 2.000 N
Question 23 : Thickness of plate measured by micrometer having least count 0.01mm is 1.03 mm. What is the percentage error in the measurement of the thickness of plate?
(A) 0.7 %
(B) 0.97 %
(C) 1 %
(D) 1.2 %
Question 24: 9.15 + 3.8 = _____ (by considering significant digits).
(A) 13
(B) 13.0
(C) 13.00
(D) 13.000