Question 1. A computer derives its strength from __________.
(A) Its speed
(B) Accuracy
(C) Memory
(D) All of these
Question 2. …… is the process of carrying out commands.
(A) Fetching
(B) Storing
(C) Decoding
(D) Executing
Question 3. Multimedia can contain __________.
(A) Numeric, text and picture data
(B) Graphics, animation, video, music and voice
(C) Only numeric type data
(D) None of the above
Question 4. A ‘menu’ contains a list of _________.
(A) Data
(B) Objects
(C) Reports
(D) Commands
Question 5. The practice of using more than one type of medium in computer at the same time is called ___________.
(A) Multimedia
(B) Macromedia
(C) Interactivity
(D) None of these
Question 6. Size of virtural memory depends on __________.
(A) Address lines
(B) Database
(C) Disc space
(D) All of these
Question 7. The ability of an operating system to run more than one application at a time is called ___________.
(A) Multiuser computing
(B) Time sharing
(C) Multiprogramming
(D) Multitasking
Question 8. Which of the following is not a search engine?
(A) Google
(B) Altavista
(C) Science direct
(D) Orkut
Question 9. What can we send through video mail?
(A) Graphics
(B) Video clips
(C) Video messages
(D) All of the above
Question 10. Which of the following is a search engine?
(A) Baidu
(B) Packets
(C) Cookies
(D) None of these
Question 11. Video conferencing is __________.
(A) Conduct of video calls using telecom technology
(B) Conduct of telephone calls
(C) Conduct of video conference using a set of telescopic technology
(D) None of the above
Question 12. The set of protocols, which defines all transmission exchanges across the Internet is called __________.
(D) None of these
Question 13. Which of the following devices is compulsory for video conferencing?
(A) Printer
(B) Scanner
(C) Webcam
(D) Mouse
Question 14. How many days will picture message stay in private inbox?
(A) 28 days
(B) 30 days
(C) 15 days
(D 7 days
Question 15. E-Mail stands for __________.
(A) Electrical Mail
(B) Electronic Mail
(C) Elastic Mail
(D) None of the above
Question 16. The full form of SIM is ___________.
(A) Subscriber’s Identity Module
(B) Subscriber’s Identity Machine
(C) Self Identity Machine
(D) Self Identity Module
Question 17. What are the two parts of e-mail address?
(A) Username and home address
(B) Legal name and phone number
(C) Signature and password
(D) Username and domain name
Question 18. ICT stands for __________.
(A) Information and Computer Technology
(B) Information and Communication Technology
(C) Information Code Techniques
(D) Integrated Circuit Technology
Question 19. Which of the following is free e-mail service provider?
(A) Hotmail
(B) Rediffmail
(C) Yahoo
(D) All of these
Question 20. SMS means _________.
(A) Swift Mail System
(B) Short Messaging Service
(C) Shorthand Manual Script
(D) Speed Mail Service
Question 21. What kind of digital files can be attached to the e-mail?
(A) Music
(B) Documents
(C) Photos
(D) All of these
Question 22. What do you understand by hacking?
(A) Searching
(B) Security
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Question 23. Which of the following types of files can be sent as an e-mail attachment?
(A) Text files only
(B) Audio files only
(C) Video files only
(D) All of the above
Question 24. A computer hacker is ___________.
(A) A person who maintains computer security
(B) A person who violates computer security with malicious intention for personal gain
(C) A person responsible for safe computer operation
(D) A person who repairs computer
Question 25. What is singular of data?
(A) Datum
(B) Dat
(C) Data
(D) None of these
Question 26. Cyber crime is __________.
(A) Hacking
(B) Stalking
(C) Denial of service attacks
(D) All of the above
Question 27. Word ‘blog’ is combination of two words __________.
(A) Web-log
(B) Wave-log
(C) Web-blog
(D) Wed-lock
Question 28. Basic Input-Output system in computer resides __________.
(A) On the Hard Disc
(B) In the RAM
(C) In the ROM
(D) None of the above
Question 29. ‘Stuxnet’ worm detected in the computers of Iran is ___________.
(A) A Hardware to speed up Internet working
(B) A malicious program to sabotage nuclear centrifuges
(C) A software to off-set hacking
(D) A device to undertake BPO
Question 30. Networking of computers ___________.
(A) Increases the chances of threats
(B) Increases the utility of computers
(C) Increases the information access possibilities
(D) All of the above