Question 1. Moon is__________.
(A) A Meteorite
(B) A Satellite
(C) A Planet
(D) A Star
Question 2. Who is the author of ‘Nuclear Reactor Time Bomb’?
(A) Takashi Hirose
(B) S. Polasky
(C) E.P. Odum
(D) C.C. Park
Question 3. Which of the following pair is used to form the terminals of normal torch cell?
(A) Carbon – Copper
(B) Zinc – Cadmium
(C) Copper – Zinc
(D) Zinc – Carbon
Question 4. ‘GIF’ stands for___________.
(A) Geographical Image Format
(B) Graphical Interchange Format
(C) Global Image Format
(D) None of the above
Question 5. GPS stands for which one of the following?
(A) General Pacific Survey
(B) Global Positioning System
(C) Global Police Surveillance
(D) Greenwich Polar Satellite
Question 6. A.T.M. means___________.
(A) Advance Transaction Machine
(B) Automated Teller Machine
(C) Automatic Transfer Machine
(D) Automatic Transaction Machine
Question 7. Black Hole___________.
(A) Is a imaginary concept
(B) Absorbs all radiations that fall on it
(C) Converts UV radiation to infrared
(D) Does not emit any radiation
Question 8. The tail of a comet always points___________.
(A) Towards South-East
(B) Towards North-East
(C) Towards the Sun
(D) Away from the Sun
Question 9. Highly dense stars are called.
(A) Asteroid
(B) Binary stars
(C) Neutron stars
(D) Supernova
Question 10. The percentage of nuclear energy in India’s total energy generation is____________.
(A) 3%
(B) 10%
(C) 27%
(D) 60%
Question 11. Which technology of the 21st century can do wonders in device miniaturization?
(A) Hydroponics
(B) Geneocology
(C) Nanotechnology
(D) Atomic laser technique
Question 12. The size of the nanoparticle ranges between___________.
(A) 0.01 nm to 0.1 nm
(B) 1 nm to 100 nm
(C) 0.1 nm to 1 nm
(D) 100 nm to 1000 nm
Question 13. ‘Nano plug’ refers to___________.
(A) A small bullet
(B) A small rocket launcher
(C) A small hearing aid
(D) None of the above
Question 14. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) Nanoear consists of single silver nano particle
(B) Nanoear consists of a single silica nano particle
(C) Nanoear can detect sound as low as –60 dB
(D) Nanoear can detect sound levels as low as –120 dB
Question 15. In the state of weightlessness, the size of candle’s flame will be….
(A) Constant
(B) Spherical
(C) Smaller
(D) Longer
Question 16. What is the location of the Enron Power Project?
(A) Virar
(B) Virar
(C) Ahmednagar
(D) Kalol
Question 17. ‘Hydrocarbon Vision 2025’ is associated with__________.
(A) Storage of petroleum products
(B) Green House effect
(C) Euro I and Euro II vehicles
(D) None of the above
Question 18. India has refused to sign the treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
(A) This strength negatively affects the balance in the South Asian region
(B) It is against the peaceful use of nuclear power
(C) It will slack India’s nuclear military capability
(D) It is discriminatory
Question 19. The ‘Nano hummingbird’ is____________.
(A) A new variety of honey bee
(B) A pocket sized unmanned spy plane developed in the U.S.A.
(C) An extremely small electric car that can take 360º turn
(D) A new species of hitherto undiscovered hummingbird
Question 20. The theme of Indian Science Congress 2001 was___________.
(A) ‘Make India I.T. Superpower’
(B) ‘Make India energy selfsufficient’
(C) ‘Arrest declining interest in pure sciences’
(D) ‘Food nutrition and environmental security’
Question 21. Which one of the following devices is used to cool the engine of the vehicles?
(A) Quadrant
(B) Radiator
(C) Turbine
(D) Polygraph
Question 22. Which one of the following organizations is not related to science and technology?
Question 23. In automatic wrist watches energy is provided by….
(A) Different movements of our hand
(B) Liquid crystal
(C) Battery
(D) Manual binding
Question 24. In which one of the following locations is the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project to be built?
(A) Southern Italy
(B) Eastern Germany
(C) Southern France
(D) Northern Spain
Question 25. Scientists of Britain have built ‘Gravity Tractor’. Identify the same from the following.
(A) A spacecraft with a mechanism which would check asteroids from hitting the Earth
(B) A bullet train runs on the principle of Earth’s ‘gravity’ with the help of powerful magnets
(C) A tractor with a mechanism to sweep public roads and is economical to run
(D) A double storeyed ‘Jugaad’ type tractor trolley to be used in public transport