Question 1. Sexual reproduction causes genetic variation because of _______.
(A) Blending of genes
(B) Shuffling of genes
(C) Chromosomal changes
(D) All of the above
Question 2. Which of the facts about Dolly (sheep), the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell is not correct?
(A) Dolly was born in Scotland
(B) Dolly was born in the year 1998
(C) Dolly died due to lung disease
(D) Dolly died in the year 2003
Question 3. Which of the following features of DNA makes it uniquely suited to store and transmit genetic information from generation-togeneration?
(A) Sugar-phosphate backbone
(B) Number of base-pairs per turn
(C) Double helix
(D) Complementary to the two strands
Question 4. Which of the following is used in Genetic Engineering?
(A) Ribosome
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Plasmid
(D) Plastid
Question 5. Which of the following is the first living cloned genetic engineered organism by human?
(A) Super bug
(B) Bony
(C) Herman bull
(D) Dolly
Question 6. Which one was the first successful cloned animal?
(A) Sheep
(B) Rabbit
(C) Gibbon
(D) None of these
Question 7. Scientists of N.D.R.I., Karnal (Haryana) developed the second clone of which on the following animals?
(A) Goat
(B) Cow
(C) Buffalo
(D) Sheep
Question 8. Garima II is the name of a_______.
(A) Bt tomato
(B) Cloned sheep
(C) Cloned cow
(D) Cloned buffalo
Question 9. In the case of a test tube baby __________.
(A) Unfertilised egg develops inside the test tube
(B) Fertilization takes place outside the mother’s body
(C) Development of the baby takes place inside the test tube
(D) Fertilization takes place inside the test tube
Question 10. Which country has produced the first transgenic glowing pigs that are all green from inside out?
(A) Taiwan
(B) Singapore
(C) Japan
(D) Korea
Question 11. Injaz, is the name of world’s first cloned __________.
(A) Sheep
(B) Pig
(C) Goat
(D) Camel
Question 12. Which of the following statements about a clone of an organism is correct?
(A) Two clones of an organism may not be identical
(B) Identical twins are clones of an organism
(C) A clone is produced asexually
(D) A clone has characteristics of both its parents
Question 13. What is the application of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology?
(A) Production of organisms free of diseases
(B) Reproductive cloning of animals
(C) Manufacture of biodegradable plastics
(D) Production of biolarvicides
Question 14. World level program ‘Human Genome Project’ is related with __________.
(A) Identification and mapping of human genes and its sequence
(B) Genetic improvements of human breeds
(C) Identification of colour distinct breeds
(D) Establishment of Superman society
Question 15. The cells which have the capacity to divide and differentiate into any type of cells in the body are the focus of research of several serious diseases are ___________.
(A) Stem cells
(B) Mesangial cells
(C) Red cells
(D) Bud cells
Question 16. Which one of the following is the bioethically non-controversial source of stem cells as an alternative to the highly controversial embryonic stem cells?
(A) Blood of babies
(B) Blood of foetus
(C) Amniotic fluid derived stem cells
(D) Bone marrow – derived stem cells
Question 17. Hybridoma technology is a new biotechnological approach for commercial production of_______.
(A) Alcohol
(B) Antibiotics
(C) Interferon
(D) Monoclonal antibodies
Question 18. The Plant Field Gene Bank at Banthara will ___________.
(A) Look after all the above
(B) Identify economically important wild plants
(C) Check piracy of bio-diversity
(D) Preserve endangered varieties of plants
Question 19. Insect-resistant cotton plants have been genetically engineered by inserting a gene from a/an________.
(A) Plant
(B) Insect
(C) Bacterium
(D) Virus
Question 20. The American multinational company, Monsanto, has produced an insect-resistant cotton variety that is undergoing field trials in India. A toxin gene from which one of the following bacteria has been transferred to this transgenic cotton?
(A) Bacillus globlii
(B) Bacillus amyloliquifaciens
(C) Bacillus thuringiensis
(D) Bacillus subtilis
Question 21. The micro-organism which is associated with the production of Bt cotton is a…
(A) Virus
(B) Blue-green algae
(C) Bacterium
(D) Fungus
Question 22. A genetically engineered form of brinjal, known as the Bt brinjal has been developed. The objective of this is ___________.
(A) To make it shell-life longer
(B) To make it drought resistant
(C) To improve its taste and nutritive qualities
(D) To make in pest-resistant
Question 23. Bt brinjal is _________.
(A) A new variety of Brinjal
(B) A wild variety of Brinjal
(C) A genetically modified Brinjal
(D) None of the above
Question 24. Indian farmers are unsatisfied with terminator seed technology because it increases the possibility of..
(A) Growing of plants which one not capable of producing
(B) Growing sterile plants (sexually)
(C) Making little yield inspite of high quality plants
(D) Appearance of bad germination
Question 25. The controversial terminator technology backed by developed nations seeks to provide __________.
(A) Hybrid seeds that can be eaten but not grown
(B) Selective termination of crop diseases
(C) Transgenic seeds which ensure no-terminating passage of good traits generation after generation
(D) Biotechnologically improved variety of seeds which are ensured to yield sterile seed for next generation
Question 26. Terminator technology promotes the sale of which of the following that is/are generated by it?
(A) Transgenic fertile seed
(B) Genetically engineered seeds sterile in next generation
(C) Gene modified plants
(D) All of the above
Question 27. Generally, Orobanche weed is found in ___________.
(A) Wheat field
(B) Rice field
(C) Gram field
(D) Tobacco field
Question 28. Which of the following is a transgenic plant?
(A) Triticale
(B) Golden rice
(C) Macaroni wheat
(D) Buck wheat
Question 29. Golden rice is….
(A) A transgenic rice having gene for carotene
(B) Long stored rice having yellow colour tint
(C) A variety of rice grown along the yellow river in China
(D) Wild variety of rice with yellow coloured grains
Question 30. The prime utility of ‘Golden Rice’ in combating vitamin A deficiency, the world’s leading cause of blindness which affects about 250 million children lies in the richness of its kernel in_______.
(A) Calciferol
(B) Ascorbic acid
(C) Thiamine
(D) Beta carotene