Question 1. Deficiency of Iodine causes ________.
(A) Osteoporosis
(B) Goitre
(C) Cancer
(D) Night blindness
Question 2. Shortage of which element causes goitre disease?
(A) Phosphorus
(B) Calcium
(C) Iodine
(D) Nitrogen
Question 3. Iodine is administered to patients suffering from _______.
(A) Goitre
(B) Rickets
(C) Night blindness
(D) Rheumatism
Question 4. Iodised salt contains _______.
(A) Potassium iodide
(B) Magnesium iodide
(C) Calcium iodide
(D) Free iodine
Question 5. In countries where polished rice is the mean cereal in their diet, people suffer from _______.
(A) Osteomalacia
(B) Scurvy
(C) Beri-beri
(D) Pellagra
Question 6. BMD test is held for diagnosis of_______.
(B) Osteoporosis
(C) Malaria
(D) Dengue
Question 7. MRI is a diagnostic tool, which means_______.
(A) Magnetic Resonance Index
(B) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(C) Magnetic Resolution Information
(D) All of the above
Question 8. What is the full form of BMD test?
(A) Bone Marrow Differentiation
(B) Bone Marrow Deficiency
(C) Bone Mineral Density
(D) Bone Marrow Density
Question 9. A man, who does not know when to stop eating, is suffering from______.
(A) Hyperacidity
(B) Anoerexia nervosa
(C) Diabetes
(D) Bulimia
Question 10. Food poisoning is due to_______.
(A) Salmonella bacilli
(B) Pseudomonas
(C) Candida
(D) E. coli
Question 11. Food poisoning (Botulism) is caused by infection of a species of_______.
(A) Rhizobium
(B) Clostridium
(C) Lactobacillus
(D) Azotobacter
Question 12. Ergotism is due to consumption of________.
(A) Safe cooked food
(B) Contaminated water
(C) Rotting vegetables
(D) Contaminated grains
Question 13. Itai-Itai disease is caused by chronic poisoning of_______.
(A) Lead
(B) Calcium
(C) Nickel
(D) Mercury
Question 14. Which situation of the body is known as cancer?
(A) Stop working of mind due to the wound in body and finally death
(B) Uncontrolled multiplication of cells by which death of sound cells and finally death
(C) A collection of toxic chemicals in the body and finally death
(D) End of making new cells which gradually occurs death
Question 15. Phenylketonuria is an innate error in metabolism, which reference about?
(A) Composition
(B) Lack (genetic) of enzymes
(C) Research of endocrine glands
(D) Overproduction of hormones
Question 16. A person affected by phenylketonuria disease suffers from _____.
(A) Impotence
(B) Mental idiocy
(C) Liver failure
(D) Kidney failure
Question 17. If a human disease breaks out across a large region of the world, what is it called?
(A) Epizootic
(B) Endemic
(C) Epidemic
(D) Pandemic
Question 18. D.P.T. vaccine is given to protect from_______.
(A) Diphtheria, Polio, Leprosy
(B) Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus
(C) T.B., Polio, Diphtheria
(D) Tetanus, Polio, Plaguec
Question 19. DPT vaccines are used for_______.
(A) T.B., Typhoid, Polio
(B) Tetanus, T.B., Polio
(C) Polio, Diphtheria, T.B.
(D) Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
Question 20. The Triple Antigen DPT is given to children to prevent________.
(A) Smallpox, Pertussis, Tetanus
(B) Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
(C) Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus
(D) Diphtheria, Polio, Smallpox
Question 21. For which one of the following DPT vaccines is not used?
(A) Tetanus
(B) Whooping Cough
(C) Polio
(D) Diphtheria
Question 22. The triple antigen is given to a child to prevent_______.
(A) Polio, Tetanus, Whooping cough
(B) Smallpox, Whooping cough, Tetanus
(C) Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus
(D) Polio, Smallpox, Diphtheria
Question 23. Which of the following set includes all viral diseases?
(A) Chicken Pox, Cancer, Tuberculosis
(B) Cancer, Tuberculosis, Poliomyelitis
(C) Mumps, Rabies, Herpes
(D) Tuberculosis, Herpes, Rabies
Question 24. Which of the following disease is not caused by bacteria?
(A) Whooping cough
(B) Cholera
(C) Diphtheria
Question 25. The ‘blue baby’ pollution disease is due to the excessive presence of which of the following in drinking water?
(A) Arsenic
(B) Nitrate
(C) Chloride
(D) Fluoride