Question 1. Which of the following is a source of biofertilizer?
(A) Mold
(B) Azolla
(C) Chlorella
(D) Yeast
Question 2. Which of the following is a biofertilizer?
(A) Azolla
(B) Streptocycline
(C) 2,4-D
(D) Urea
Question 3. The biofertilizer used as a supplementary food for the cattle, especially for milking bovines is ______.
(A) Rhizobium
(B) Azotobacter
(C) Azolla
(D) Azospirillum
Question 4. Which of these is not correctly matched?
(A) Azotobacter – Bioinsecticide
(B) Bio 902 – Variety of mustard
(C) Chrysopa – Maho-control
(D) Blue-green algae – Biofertilizer
Question 5. Which bacteria is responsible for nitrogen fixation in soybean?
(A) Rhizobium traitolai
(B) Rhizobium fajioleai
(C) Rhizobium japonicum
(D) Rhizobium leguminosarum
Question 6. 2, 4-D is _____.
(A) A herbicide
(B) A fungicide
(C) An explosive
(D) An insecticide
Question 7. Blue-green algae are chiefly used as biofertilizer in the crop of _____.
(A) Mustard
(B) Paddy
(C) Gram
(D) Wheat
Question 8. Blue-green algae is used to supply nitrogen to______.
(A) Wheat
(B) Paddy
(C) Maize
(D) Bajra
Question 9. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Azolla – Maize
(B) Azotobacter – Wheat
(C) Rhizobium – Pea Leguminisarum
(D) Blue-green algae – Paddy
Question 10. Azolla gives a good biofertilizer when mixed with_____.
(A) Urea
(B) Cow dung
(C) Bone meal
(D) Blue-green algae
Question 11. Azolla is often used as biofertilizer because it is associated with______.
(A) Moss
(B) Fungus
(C) Red algae
(D) Blue-green algae
Question 12. Azolla is_____.
(A) Aquatic Fern
(B) Aquatic bacteria
(C) Aquatic algae
(D) None of the above
Question 13. Aquatic Fern, which is used as a biofertilizer is_____.
(A) Pteridium
(B) Marsilia
(C) Azolla
(D) Salvinia
Question 14. Which of the following microorganisms are used as biofertilizer?
(A) Cyanobacteria
(B) Virus
(C) Protozoa
(D) None of the above
Question 15. The capability of nitrogen use efficiency can be increased in crop production by_____.
(A) All of the above
(B) Using the slow release of nitrogen fertilizer
(C) Use of nitrogen inhibitors
(D) Use of split application
Question 16. Which of the following is/are used as biofertilizers?
- Azolla
- Blue-green algae
- Alfalfa
Choose the correct answer by the given codes.
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 1 and 2
(D) Only 2