Question 1. Pedology?
(A) Study of soil
(B) Study of air
(C) Study of water
(D) None of the above
Question 2. A lake ecosystem functions as a?
(A) Himalayan pastures
(B) Semi arid plains
(C) Shola grasslands
(D) Terai
Question 3. The unit of total water content of the soil is known as _________.
(A) Echard
(B) Chraserd
(C) Holard
(D) All of the above
Question 4. An example of nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil _________.
(A) Nitrobacter
(B) Azotobacter
(C) Nostoc
(D) Rhizobium
Question 5. Mulching helps in _________.
(A) soil sterility
(B) improvements soil structure
(C) moisture conservation
(D) soil fertility
Question 6. An example of one way ecological cycle is _________.
(A) oxygen cycle
(B) energy cycle
(C) water cycle
(D) carbon dioxide cycle
Question 7. What is deforestation?
(A) Forest Protection
(B) Destruction of forest
(C) Product of forest
(D) None of the above
Question 8. Nitrogen fixing blue green alga _________.
(A) Nostoc
(B) Nitrosomonas
(C) Rhizobium
(D) Clostridium
Question 9. ________ is an example of ‘bottom feeders’.
(A) Tadpole
(B) Snake
(C) Frog
(D) Cat fish
Question 10. Ramsar Convention refers to the conservation of _________.
(A) Forest land
(B) Agriculture lands
(C) Wetlands
(D) Deserts
Question 11. The forests which occur in low rainfall area is?
(A) Coniferous forest
(B) Deciduous forests
(C) Evergreen forests
(D) All the above
Question 12. Nitrogen gas return to the atmosphere by the action of?
(A) Nitrate fertilizers
(B) Nitrifying bacteria
(C) Denitrifying bacteria
(D) Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Question 13. The inherent ability of organisms to reproduce and multiply is called?
(A) biotic potential
(B) carrying capacity
(C) K value
(D) C value
Question 14. Some species whose removal can affect the survival of an ecosystem are called?
(A) Herbivores
(B) Keystone species
(C) Producers
(D) Carnivores
Question 15. Deforestation generally decreases _________.
(A) Rainfall
(B) Soil erosion
(C) Drought
(D) Global Warming
Question 16. The conversion of ammonia to nitrate is known as _________.
(A) denitrification
(B) nitrification
(C) ammonification
(D) All of these
Question 17. Brackish water ecosystems in river deltas are among _________.
(A) Stagnant ecosystems
(B) Unproductive
(C) Most productive in terms of biomass production
(D) Least productive ecosystems
Question 18. _________trees shed their leaves during winter and hot summer.
(A) Shola
(B) Deciduous
(C) coniferous
(D) Ever green
Question 19. Patches of tall grasslands interspersed with the Sal forest ecosystem are?
(A) Plains of Western India
(B) Deccan Plateau
(C) Himalayan Pasture
(D) Terrai
Question 20. Sunderbans is home to _________.
(A) implest aquatic ecosystem
(B) Temporary aquatic system
(C) Water tank
(D) Giant permanent pond
Question 21. Forests grow in high rainfall areas are?
(A) Tundra
(B) Conifers
(C) Temperate forests
(D) Ever green forests
Question 22. ________ is a cold desert in India.
(A) Bhopal
(B) Ran of Kutch
(C) Ladakh
(D) Thar
Question 23. Fungi is a?
(A) Micro consumer
(B) Carnivore
(C) Producer
(D) Macroconsumer
Question 24. Ecology is?
(A) The study of the environment in the absence of humans
(B) The study of the relationships between organisms and their environment
(C) integrates both social and natural sciences to help us understand how the earthworks
(D) The science that studies the evolution of life
Question 25. Which among the following result in the formation of soil?
(A) Pollution
(B) Erosion
(C) Weathering
(D) Radiation