Aspiring for civil services exams require a lot of preparation. Aspirants should be ready to face challenge in best possible way.
Without proper guidance and study material, to get selected in IAS/IPS is a daunting task.
One should know its capacities, capabilities to make best use of the sources available to him. Right approach to appear in exam will reduce the stress level and boost your confidence to a great extent.
The first and foremost thing before preparing for IPS or IAS exam is to decide the subject to be taken for the exams.
Select subjects according to the availability of the study material as it will increase your confidence for taking the most prestigious exam of the country.
IAS/IPS cadre exam conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission).
Required Material IPS
There are must available study material of you main subject for IPS or IAS examination 2021.
Best IAS/IPS Preparation Books
After selection of the subjects, stress should be given in proper selection of books. A student must select standard and prescribed books for the subjects.
It is better to consult various books on different aspects, as it is not possible that a single book will cover the entire syllabus. Various books on different subjects such as Botany, Zoology, History, Sociology etc. written by different authors are available in market.
Various books with vast content are also available on internet; proper searching will help you to a great extent in collecting material.
Notes of IAS – IPS Study Material
Students are often faced with the tedious task of making notes. But notes are made for several good reasons like preparation of notes focuses on the important points.
Secondly when you write, you remember better. Thirdly it will promote you to revise work since it does not take long to go through well made notes. Last but not the least it helps in revision. There are two types in which notes are made:
⇒ Linear notes
It is a method in which you write the material in short from using heading and subheadings and jolting down the most important points.
This is helpful when you are making notes from a well written book. Use markers and colors to make notes. This will draw attention to actual contents of our notes and make it more clear and understandable.
⇒ Pattern notes
For this the topic is placed in the center. Each line radiating from it represents a branch of main idea.
Its main advantage is that we can see the whole topic at a go without turning the pages. One can also add extra information at any point. This makes it easier to revise near the exams.
One should always keep a copy of the syllabus handy and keep referring to it again and again to reassess the direction of preparation.
Sample papers and question papers
One should always keep the question papers of the previous years. Compare them and see what types of questions are repeated.
Try to attempt all the question papers available of the previous years; this will help highlight your weakness and give you an idea about the extent of your preparation, your knowledge, speed and accuracy.
One should try to read competition success review as it publishes sample papers. One can search various sites on internet for sample papers as they are readily available to study free of cost.
Test Papers
Test papers are available online. These tests papers help you in checking the level of preparation, finding mistakes and rectifying them by going through your notes and books.
The mistakes made in these tests should be treated as a stepping stone to polish one’s knowledge.
IPS is for those people who dream for India, live for India and wish to see it as a super power in the coming years.
Thank you for reading career guidance article on Necessity and Importance of IPS Study Material.
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