Question 1. Myopia is the disorder of which organ?
(A) Kidney
(B) Eye
(C) Ear
(D) Heart
Question 2. Myopia or short-sightedness is corrected by _______.
(A) Use of plain convex lens
(B) Use of plain concave lens
(C) Use of concave lens
(D) Use of convex lens
Question 3. A person with vision defect ‘Myopia’ can see
(A) Neither nearby nor distant objects clearly
(B) Nearby as well as distant objects clearly
(C) Distant objects clearly
(D) Nearby objects clearly
Question 4. The person is suffering from for sightedness face difficulties in ________.
(A) To see distant object clearly
(B) To see both close and distance object clearly
(C) To see close object clearly
(D) None of the above
Question 5. In which part of eye ‘blind spot’ and ‘yellow spot’ are found?
(A) Retina
(B) Iris
(C) Lens
(D) Cornea
Question 6. The retina is an outgrowth of the _______.
(A) Telencephalon
(B) Diencephalon
(C) Mesencephalon
(D) Pons varoli
Question 7. In human eye, light rays get transformed into neural impulses at _________.
(A) Lens
(B) Retina
(C) Pupil
(D) Cornea
Question 8. If the lens in eye becomes opaque, the disease is called _________.
(A) Cataract
(B) Glaucoma
(C) Astigmatism
(D) Myopia
Question 9. Which of the following is a broadspectrum drug?
(A) Chloroprene
(B) Xylocaine
(C) Paracetamol
(D) Chloramphenicol
Question 10. The pupils of the human eye are dilated with a very dilute solution of an alkaloid which is_______.
(A) Adrenaline
(B) Atropine
(C) Equanil
(D) Ephedrine
Question 11. Sleeping sickness happens due to…..
(A) Unicellular animal named Trypanosoma
(B) Rising of blood pressure
(C) Deficiency of calcium in body
(D) Deficiency of Vitamin A
Question 12. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder, in which people…..
(A) Make loud snoring sound while asleep
(B) Briefly and repeatedly stop breathing during sleep
(C) Sleep with eyelids half open
(D) Walk during sleep without knowing what he or she is doing
Question 13. HIV does not spread AIDS through
(A) Unprotected sex
(B) Mosquito bites
(C) Unsterilised needles
(D) HIV infected blood
Question 14. The disease caused by HIV is _______.
(B) Cancer
(C) Dysentery
(D) Tuberculosis
Question 15. Cause of ‘AIDS’ is _______.
(A) Protozoa
(B) Virus
(C) Fungus
(D) Bacteria
Question 16. In AIDS virus, there is_______.
(A) DNA only
(B) RNA + Protein
(D) DNA + Protein
Question 17. The virus responsible for AIDS is an example of_______.
(A) Retrovirus
(B) T-even virus
(C) Mosaic virus
(D) Adenovirus
Question 18. Which of the following strains of H.I.V. is dominant in India?
(A) HIV Id
(B) HIV Ic
(C) HIV Ib
(D) HIV Ia
Question 19. AIDS is the short form of which of the following diseases?
(A) Abnormal Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(B) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(C) Anticipated Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(D) Acquired Immune Deformity Syndrome
Question 20. Who discovered the H.T.L.V. III AIDS Virus?
(A) Robertson
(B) Luck Izon Jenner
(C) Robert Gallo
(D) Robert Gallo
Question 21. Most frequently used medicine for AIDS is _______.
(A) Vinajol
(B) Nanaxinel-a
(C) Micronazol
(D) Zedovudine (Azidothymidine)
Question 22. Of the following ELISA Test is performed to test_______.
(A) Syphilis
(C) Tuberculosis
(D) Diabetes
Question 23. Lathyrism is caused by excessive consumption of _________.
(A) Mushrooms
(B) Polished rice
(C) Mustard oil
(D) Khesari dal
Question 24. Japanese encephalitis is caused by _________.
(A) Fungus
(B) Parasitic protozoan
(C) Virus
(D) Bacteria
Question 25. Keeping pigs away from human settlements helps in the eradication of ________.
(A) Polio
(B) Elephantiasis
(C) Japanese encephalitis
(D) Malaria