The work of Mukhya Sevika is supervision of the Health Program in Gujarat rural areas. Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board (GPSSB) conduct exam for the job of Mukhya Sevika in Gujarat for females.
Here we provide work, daily routine and responsibilities of Mukhya Sevika post. The primary responsibilities may include performing health education activities, involved in field activities.
An activity like caring for children, promotion of sanitation and hygiene, screening for communicable diseases, collecting statistics, maintaining records and providing health care referrals.
Mukhya Sevika has both institutional and field responsibilities. Their institutional responsibilities include activities in sub centers from where they operate.
Their field level activities are related to specified populations or geographic areas assigned from time to time.
The Government of Gujarat GPSSB Mukhya Sevika salary is ₹ 31,340 as per the latest notification of the year 2022. It is fixed for five years. It is the only job that makes the students eligible to carry the term “Mukhya Sevika” with their name.
Eligibility Criteria for Mukhya Sevika
- If you are female
- If you are Graduate
- Age between 18 to 35 year
- To get job, pass through the selection process like a written exam conducted by GPSSB
- Required computer knowledge
- Good in Gujarati & Hindi language
Work of Mukhya Sevika
The work of Mukhya Sevika has been classified into the following parts:
- Supervisory Responsibilities
- Training and guidance of health workers
- Organizing and conducting meetings
- Area, Periodicity of visit and Reporting
- Implementation of Health Programmes
- Health and Family Welfare Education
- Control of communicable diseases
- Implementation of National Health Programmes
- Medical Termination of Pregnancy
- Vital Events
- School Health
- National Disease Surveillance Programme
- Public Health Responsibilities
- Administrative responsibilities
- Environmental Sanitation
- Maintain records & Registers (Maintenance of Family and Village records)
- Field level services
- Care at the Clinic
- Care in the community
- Nutritional Services
- Immunisation
- Any Other duty assigned by authorities from time to time
Daily Work of Mukhya Sevika
- Identify the particular health care needs of individuals in a community or target area.
- Advise the community on issues related to improving general health.
- Advise community on issues related to self-care.
- Provide basic health services, such as first aid.
- Advise community issues related to sanitation or hygiene, such as flossing or hand washing.
- Advocate for individual or community health needs with government agencies or health service providers.
- Interpret, translate, or provide cultural mediation related to health services or information for community members.
- Attend community meetings or health fairs to understand community issues or build relationships with community members.
- Conduct home visits for pregnant women, newborn infants, or other high-risk individuals to monitor their progress or assess their needs.
- Distribute flyers, brochures, or other informational or educational documents to inform members of a targeted community.
- Advise community groups to ensure parental understanding of the importance of childhood immunizations and how to access immunization services.
- Advise community on issues related to diagnostic screenings, such as breast cancer screening, pap smears, glaucoma tests, or diabetes screenings.
- Assist families to apply for social services, including Medicaid or Women, Infants, and Children.
- Collect information from individuals to compile vital statistics about the general health of community members.
- Advise community on issues related to risk or prevention of conditions such as lead poisoning, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), prenatal substance abuse, or domestic violence.
- Develop plans or formal contracts for individuals, families, or community groups to improve overall health.
- Provide feedback to health service providers regarding improving service accessibility or acceptability.
Mukhya Sevika is focusing on Monitoring performance towards goals and reviewing priority plans. People in rural areas face some different health issues than people who live in towns and cities. Mukhya Sevika should identify the problems and try to solve these problems as soon possible as.
In conclusion
The government of Gujarat has trained rural health workers in preventive and promotive health. However Other community workers include Anganwadi workers, Health Workers, Saathins, and trained assistant nurse-midwives.
The government claims that training women for these grass-root roles empower them.
Read: Mukhya Sevika Question Paper Solution
Mukhya Sevika at least one visit, once in two months to each household in the area allotted. She also do time to time reporting to the concerned medical officer through their health workers. Official website of Gujarat GPSSB.
A copy of the family and village record should be maintained in the sub center and used by Mukhya Sevika for planning activities.
Any latest recruitment or vacancy in mukhya sevika 2021 in Gujarat???