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Question 1. Another name for ‘Regur Soil’ is ___________.
(A) Mixed red-yellow soil
(B) Arid soil
(C) Black soil
(D) Red soil
Question 2. Regur soil is most widespread in ________.
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Maharashtra
Question 3. Which of the following soils of India has been formed due to weathering of basaltic lava?
(A) Regur soils
(B) Red soils
(C) Laterite soils
(D) Alluvial soils
Question 4. Regur is the name of __________.
(A) Lateritic soil
(B) Black soil
(C) Alluvial soil
(D) Red soil
Question 5. Which of the following soils of India is most suitable for cotton cultivation?
(A) Red soil
(B) Alluvial soil
(C) Laterite soil
(D) Regur soil
Question 6. Which of the following is known as ‘self-ploughed’ soil of the country?
(A) Desert soils
(B) Black cotton soil
(C) Lateritic soil
(D) Alluvial soil
Question 7. Which soil is best suited for cotton cultivation?
(A) Laterite
(B) Alluvial
(C) Red
(D) Black
Question 8. Lava soils are found in _________.
(A) Shillong plateau
(B) Malwa plateau
(C) Trans Saryu plains
(D) Chhattisgarh plains
Question 9. The pre-dominant soil of Malwa Plateau is _________.
(A) Laterite
(B) Red soil
(C) Alluvial soil
(D) Black soil
Question 10. Which soil needs little irrigation as it retains soil water?
(A) Alluvial
(B) Laterite
(C) Black
(D) Red
Question 11. Laterite soils are predominant in __________.
(A) Baghelkhand
(B) Bundelkhand
(C) Coromandel Coastal Region
(D) Malabar Coastal Region
Question 12. Which one of the following statements is not true for Laterite soils?
(A) They are rich in lime
(B) Their fertility is low
(C) They are highly leached soils
(D) They are the soils of the humid tropical regions
Question 13. Laterite soils is found in _________.
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Punjab
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Question 14. Which one of the following soil types of India is rendered infertile by the presence of excess iron?
(A) Lateritic
(B) Podzolic
(C) Alluvial
(D) Desert sand
Question 15. Old Kachhari clay of Gangetic plain _________.
(A) Khondolyte
(B) Khadar
(C) Bhangar
(D) Bhabar
Question 16. Which of the following types of soil has minimum water retention capacity?
(A) Loamy soil
(B) Clayey loam soil
(C) Loamy sand soil
(D) Alluvial sand soil
Question 17. Which one of the following is the most productive soil in India?
(A) Calcareous soil
(B) Alluvial soil
(C) Black soil
(D) Red soil
Question 18. In India, the largest soil group is found as __________.
(A) Alluvial soil
(B) Sandy soil
(C) Black soil
(D) Red soil
Question 19. Which soil particles are present in loamy soils?
(A) All types of particles
(B) Silt particles
(C) Clay particles
(D) Sand particles
Question 20. Which one of the following crops is grown for improving the soil fertility?
(A) Sugarcane
(B) Black Gram (Urd)
(C) Rice
(D) Wheat
Question 21. When you travel in certain parts of India, you will notice red soil. What is the main reason for this colour?
(A) Abundance of phosphates
(B) Presence of ferric oxides
(C) Accumulated humus
(D) Abundance of magnesium
Question 22. Soils of Western Rajasthan have a high content of _________.
(A) Phosphorus
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Calcium
(D) Aluminium
Question 23. Which one of the following crop enriches the nitrogen content in soil?
(A) Pea
(B) Sunflower
(C) Sorghum
(D) Potato
Question 24. The micro nutrient maximum deficient in Indian soils, is _________.
(A) Zinc
(B) Manganese
(C) Iron
(D) Copper
Question 25. Soil water available to plants is maximum in ___________.
(A) loamy soil
(B) sandy soil
(C) silty soil
(D) clay soil
Question 26. Which one of the following particles has less than 0.002 mm diameter?
(A) Clay
(B) Fine sand
(C) Silt
(D) None of these
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